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CHRISTINE (Lee, Hye Min) (544)
"Walking is good for just about everybody, and the health benefits are particularly significant for women"
Why do many medical consultant says that? There are eight reasons why:
First of all, walking is great for the heart. Duke University Medical Center researchers found that walking briskly for 30 minutes every day lowers your odds of developing metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Second, it reduces breast-cancer risks. Walking helps reduce levels of body fat and increases levels of estrogen. Third, it helps you sleep. A brisk walk in the afternoon will help you get a better night's sleep. Experts say that walking
may boost levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, which relaxes you.
Fourth, it cuts down on aches and pains. Walk the "Chi" (pronounced chee) way and you could have fewer achy days. Nine years ago, Danny Dreyer, an ultra-marathoner then living near San Francisco, California, invented ChiWalking. It looks like regular walking, but because you consciously relax, improve the alignment of your body, and involve arm movements,
it puts less stress on the legs while you walk.
Fifth, it makes you happy. Walking helps the body produce endorphins, the mood-boosting chemicals linked to "runner's high." Sixth, it keeps you slimmer. People walked for an hour five days a week and consumed 1,500 calories a day lost and kept off 25 pounds over the course of a year.
Seventh, it staves off senior moments. Regular strolls are linked to mental sharpness in seniors. Walking is likely to help keep your mind active. Finally, it protects your bones. Just 30 minutes of walking three times a week does wonders to prevent and treat thinning bones. This kind of exercise uses 95 percent of your muscles, which actually pushes your bones to get stronger so they can handle the load.
My Opinion:
I read this article that said walking is good for me in many ways. one of the benefits is weight loss. This is true through my own experience. in my case, I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. These days, many people drive to close places instead of walking. I suggest that people use the stairs instead of elevators.