Thursday, July 31, 2008

Easy ways to be an optimist

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By Haruka Kabeya (545)

There are some information from research about optimistic. For example good facial expression is one of optimistic,and it infects another people as non verbal communication.Moreover there are another interesting biological reason about optimistical effect. When people feel down,the brain tells theirs face sad.It means if people smiles, muscles tell them your brain it's not bad. Consequently, optimistic is good for our life.

My Opinion:
Actually my character is one of example of optimistic.When I feel nervous or sad,I try to think about sucessful or happy things. I can overcome most of my nervous feeling thanks to this way.Although,when neagtive events already occur,it's difiicult to make our feeling better,so I found a good website
There are written about the some way to becom optimist. Recently, most of people work hard every day and busy,so I think optimism is important to make our life more comfortable. Lets's enjoy our life!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Gender difference in spoken Japanese

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By Ryoko Seki (545)

Japanese is not major language and also it's unusual language in the world. I found this article on Wikipedia. In Japanese culture, Japanese use difference Japanese words between men and women; in addition, we've used the way since we were child. But there are no differences when Japanese write an article or essay and other writing. Some scholar's think it's one of the gender languages because Japanese don't notice and think it's strange or not.

My Opinion:
I've never thought how my language is strange because I'm Japanese, so I think it's natural there are difference words between men and women; moreover I've never noticed why we use difference words between men and womed. When I was find this article I thought if foreign people learn Japanese how do they feel? In addition, I'd like to ask you about on your language or country , do you use the difference words between men and women?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why Do We Have Gangs?

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By Ryo Kutsuwada (545)

"38 gang members were arrested and dozens of weapons were confiscated in South Los Angeles by Federal and local lawenforcement officials." The reason is that they manage narcotics and firearms sales business. Authorities confiscated assault weapons, such as AK-47s, Tec-9s and Uzis. "Here's a message to the gangs: We're ready to take any gang, anywhere, any time," Torres said at a noon news conference.

My Opinion:
A lot of people think gang must be bad personality. I think some people is bad personality, but other people is not. Some people wonder why people belong to gang? I think they don't have choice of job or to be gang is only way to make money, because their surrounding where they live is terrible. Their surrounding make them blong to gang. If the person is born in good surrounding and live in good surrounding, the person belong to gang? Abusolutely, it is not. For example, compare to America, there are not many gang in Japan, because they live in good surrounding. So Japanese don't need to belong to gang. As you know, there are big difference between rich people and poor people in America. This thing is a big problem. In short, we should consider about a cleavage in American society between the rich and the poor.

End Child Passive Smoking

Some good children go to heaven earlier ...

(Read the complete article ... )

By Sandy Luan (544)

Summary:The Ulster Cancer Foundation has joined a global campaign to focus on the dangers to children when parents smoke.
The core messages of the campaign are:
• Avoid smoking at home or in a car
• Advise children to stay away from second-hand smoke
• Teach children there is no safe level of second-hand smoke
• Do not smoke while pregnant or in the vicinity of someone who is pregnant
• If you are a smoker, ask for support to stop
• Become a role model for your child - do not smoke

My Opinion:
I don’t like smoking. I also can say I hate smoking. It is not only dangerous for smoker, but also for the other people, who inbreathe passive smoking, especially for children, they are young, I think they are the most innocent victims. This problem is for the world, I think smokers need pay attention to it, and children are the future owners.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Stolen baby linked to Guatemala adoption system

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By Sharon (545)

Summary :
"Guatemala city (AP) - Adoption officials said DNA tests indicate a guatemal baby reported stolen from her mother was being adopted by U.S couple. the first strong sign that the Central American Nation's troubled adoption system relied in part of abduction children".

In Guatemala, children were stolen and her mother found her baby in National Adoption Council office.The mother said a man locked her in store . When she was out , her daughter ,6-month-old, was gone. She spent months searching for her baby in hospital & orphanage but nothing . In May, she was trying searching her baby in Adoption Council Office . She looked up and found the baby girl was her daughter.This is the first case occured a stolen child for adoption. Guatemala judge in May to allow the women to have her children back after the DNA tests were proof . Because of this case, Guatemala pending 2,286 adoption cases and reviewing each to ensure no illegal crime exist. At previous, most of adoption couples were from the US and they paid up to 30,000 to adopt children. The previous old system was so quick it became the second-large source of foreign babies to US couple after China .

My Opinion :
I felt very sad & angry about armed men who stolen the baby. They never consider it makes a durable painful to mother or family. It must be consider as seriously crime. Once people committed an offences, they must be get in jail at least 20 years and high penality. In addition, it's efficiently to stop the case when anyone associate with DNA process run to show birth mother before adoption. I hope DNA process set up as law and every county need to be followed. I really don't want to see baby stolen by mafia because of money, and women crazy to find their baby.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

UFOs: Fact or Fiction?

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By Tae Jin Jeong (545)

"For decades, we met, and heard many kind of unidentified flying object. Extraterrestrials have come a long way to purportedly share the friendly skies with us. "After all those year, the UFOs remain a mystery wrapped in an enigma. There have been advances in the field of UFO research, said Ted Roe, Executive Director of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena."

"Roe said that a decade from now, researchers should have better instruments and better information on UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) of several varieties. Kevin Randle, a leading expert and writer on UFOs, express There's no real new research, he said, and that's "because we have to revisit the trash of the past."

"And there are some example, a pilot that lost his life chasing a UFO in 1948. There are those that contend he was killed by a blue beam from a UFO, Randle said "even though we have known for years that the UFO was a balloon and he violated regulations by climbing above 14,000 feet without oxygen equipment. I mean, we know this, and yet there are those who believe that Mantell was killed by aliens."

My Opinion:
Since I was young, I have believed about alien and UFOs. Actually I don't belive ghost, but I think ailen and UFOs have enough possibility. Moreover, I like to watch movie or to read a book about UFOs, so I know many true story about that. And according the article, the expert said UFOs and ailen is trash from the past, but I think lik this speaking is big mistake. Because nobody knows the truth, but to say like that is very stupid. Anyway, in my opinion UFOs and ailen is fact, and I hope UFO and ailen appear many time, more than now.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Flip-Flops May Lead to Foot Pain

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By Yoko Shigeta (544)

Flip-flops are a mainstay of summertime footwear, but they can be painfully bad for your feet and legs, new research shows.

Researchers from Auburn University in Alabama studied the biomechanics of the flip-flop and determined that wearing thong-style flip-flops can result in sore feet, ankles and legs.

For the study, the researchers recruited 39 college-age men and women and asked them to wear flip-flops or athletic shoes. They then had them walk a platform that measured vertical force as their feet hit the ground. A video camera measured stride length and limb angles.

Flip-flop wearers took shorter steps and their heels hit the ground with less vertical force than when the same walkers wore athletic shoes. People wearing flip-flops also don’t bring their toes up as much as the leg swings forward.

One of researchers says that flip-flops are best worn for short periods of time, like at the beach or for comfort after an athletic event. However, wearing them all day long might give you some problems.

My Opinion:
When I worn flip-flops, I got pain as the study says.
I believe that they are best for the short term like summer time, going beach and so on. But I don’t think it is good for wearing all day long as the study says. In my case, I cannot wear them all day long because my legs will be so hurt.
I’d like to suggest you shouldn’t wear them all day long from my experience. Also, please remind about it when you are wearing them.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Free Speech In China?

(Read the complete article ... )
By Kazuya Haga (545)

According to this article, six hundred million people have cell phones in china, and that's twice as the population of the U.S. The Chinese prefer sending text message to talking on the phone for the national character. In general, Chinese are a little bit indirect, and a text message allows them to express their feeling easily. Therefore, they tent to use text message, even if they have a time to express deeply personal emotion. In addition, text messaging is beyond the reach of China 's notorious government censors. That's why some people organize a huge protest via text message, and send message critical of the administration. Yu Jie, Internet dissident, says the best literature of this time must be in text messages safe from government censors.

My Opinion:
Today, the world order is in process of change. China , one of BRICs, is expanding its influence to the world. They have developed their own economy, status in the world, and so on. However, there isn’t free speech in China because China isn’t democratic country, so Chinese are restricted a lot of things. For example, Chinese authority prohibits people from watching antiestablishment articles and pictures on the web site. They control unfavorable information for Chinese government. Now they are joining developed countries, so it is time to admit free speech for people.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Alcohol and Blackout

(Read the complete article ... )

By Koji Nishiyama (544)

First of all, alcohol effects the blain. For example, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory and so on. These happen detect after only one or two drinks. Blackout is one of alcohol effect. Drink too much alcohol, especially when drink quickly and an empty stomach, that cause blood alcohol levels are going up very quick, it can produce a blackout. In addition, blackout is more common alcohol effect. 772 colleges of students surveyed about their blackout experience. 51% of students have blacked out at some point in their lives, and 40% have blacked out in the year before the survey. Moreover, the students could be join dangerous events such as a violent crime and so on, but they couldn’t remember.

My Opinion:
Actually I drink a lot, and I have blacked out a lot of time. When I blacked out, I remember only disconnected memories. After drinking, I usually ask my friends what I did, and find out what I did. In my case, I hope I am not too bad, and always I lost fun memories, so I feel like waste the times…. Anyway, there are a lot of parties or events. We should know own limit and drink slowly. Otherwise, it’s could be lose friends, could be a crime or so on, so let’s drink slowly, eat some foods before drink, and have fun!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sand and Stone

By Targ ElJebuni (545)

This story tells about two friends that were walking through the desert.

At one point during the trip they started arguing and one of the friends hit the other in the face The one that had been hit was hurt, but without a further word, wrote down in the sand: "Today my best friend hit me in the face."

They carried on walking until they came across an oasis, where they decided to freshen up and bathe. But the one that had been hit before got caught in the mud and was about to drown, but the friend saved him. After he had recovered, he wrote down on a stone: "Today my best friend saved my life.”

The friend that had hit his best friend and had then saved him asked: "After I hit you, you wrote in the sand and now you are writing on stone, why?" The other friend answered: "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand so that the wind can forgive us by blowing it away.” “But when someone does something nice for us, we should engrave it in stone, where no wind can ever blow it away.”

Learn to write down your pain in sand and to engrave the good experiences in stone.

My opinion:
It takes a minute to find someone special, an hour to appreciate them, a day to get to like and love them, but it takes a lifetime to forget them. It’s a short message to let people you know that you will never forget them

Make Time To Live !

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happiness Is In Your Genes?

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By Kaori Kato (544)

This article says our happiness is influenced up to fifty percent by genes, and the other percentage is linked to lifestyle, career, and relationships according to the Edinburgh study which compared the results from two groups, identical and fraternal twins, to calculate how strongly influenced a particular trait is by genetics. However, we can still train ourselves to be more content. Also, we each have our own range of level of happiness.

My Opinion:
This result was fresh and interesting for me because I have never thought that genes influence my happiness. As this article says we have own range of level of happiness, so if two people are in the same situation, one person will think I’m not happy, but another person won’t think so. I think this is the genetic difference, and this is also difference of ability whether we can positively think about something or not. In other words, happiness depends on our personalities. I believe I have happy genes because I feel happiness easily.

US to Overturn HIV Travel Ban

(Read the complete article ... )

By Mitsue Hirota (544)

Since 1987, the US has prohibited HIV-positive visitors from entering America. There are some countries which still ban travel for HIV-positive visitors; however, the US Senate has voted to reverse this rule. Two members of Congress; John Kerry and Gordon Smith took the lead in dropping the ban. It is called ‘Unwelcome mat’, and it became an invisible barrier. They believe that we have to get rid of unwelcome mat for their global leadership on HIV. In addition, President Bush has already agreed with that suggestion.

My Opinion:
I think that this problem is not so easy to decide, because there are many way of thinking. When the US prohibited HIV-positive visitors from entering America, the government might have been afraid of infecting. Then, they banned their entering, I guess. However, as you know, HIV is not like cold. We don’t catch HIV by just talking, shaking hands or something like that. So I believe this policy will be a good chance to remove our stereotype about HIV. Also, it may become another chance that people can comprehend this disease deeply.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hi Everybody!

You must ALL read the article about the Beijing Olympics (see link below) for FRIDAY! Come to class ready for a class discussion.
Good luck!

Cities Near Beijing Close Factories for Olympics

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lose Weight on 'Big Breakfast' Diet

By TERESA (Lin, Chia Ying) (544)

Want to lose weight? Eat a big breakfast packed. What is big breakfast? It controls appetite for sugar and farina. It doesn’t limit people to eat fiber- and vitamin-rich fruit. Compared with the low carbohydrate diet, people have stronger desire to eat carbohydrate, and metabolism must be slow. The scientists did a test, they separate two groups, one is "big breakfast" diet, and the other one is low carbohydrate diet. After eight months, the result said that the big breakfast diet lost at least 21 percent of their body weight, and the low carbohydrate diet only lose 4.5 percent.

My Opinion:
I heard about eating "big breakfast" to lose weight before. I think it works. If we eat enough nutritional food in the morning, our brains will organize many things well. If we eat most calories we need for a day in the morning, we won't eat too much for our lunch even dinner. That's the reason can lose weight. Also eat more protein in the morning can improve our brains to memorize. Maybe there are many other approaches to lose weight, I believe have breakfast is the most important thing than others.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where On Earth ... ?

Hi Guys!

How do you like the new picture at the top of the blog?

Where do you think this is?
Would you like to go there?
Who would you take with you if you were going there?
What would you do?
Do you see a familiar face in the picture?

Inquiring minds would like to know!!

Looking forward to your answers,
Best wishes,

China Rewards Olympic Security Tips

(Read the complete article ... )

By TERENCE (Tang Yiliang) (544)

Summary: Chinese authorities are offering generous rewards to anyone who provides information on security threats during the Olympic Games.

A report Friday by China 's state-run Xinhua news agency says individuals could receive as much as $73,000 for tips over the next several months, from July 10 to October 31.

My opinion: It is a effective measure to solve the Beijing Olympic security problems. The power of people is the strongest. One world one dream; every body should do something to safeguard the world peace.

Walking Is Good for You

(Read the complete article ... )

By CHRISTINE (Lee, Hye Min) (544)

"Walking is good for just about everybody, and the health benefits are particularly significant for women"
Why do many medical consultant says that? There are eight reasons why:

First of all, walking is great for the heart. Duke University Medical Center researchers found that walking briskly for 30 minutes every day lowers your odds of developing metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Second, it reduces breast-cancer risks. Walking helps reduce levels of body fat and increases levels of estrogen. Third, it helps you sleep. A brisk walk in the afternoon will help you get a better night's sleep. Experts say that walking
may boost levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, which relaxes you.

Fourth, it cuts down on aches and pains. Walk the "Chi" (pronounced chee) way and you could have fewer achy days. Nine years ago, Danny Dreyer, an ultra-marathoner then living near San Francisco, California, invented ChiWalking. It looks like regular walking, but because you consciously relax, improve the alignment of your body, and involve arm movements,
it puts less stress on the legs while you walk.

Fifth, it makes you happy. Walking helps the body produce endorphins, the mood-boosting chemicals linked to "runner's high." Sixth, it keeps you slimmer. People walked for an hour five days a week and consumed 1,500 calories a day lost and kept off 25 pounds over the course of a year.

Seventh, it staves off senior moments. Regular strolls are linked to mental sharpness in seniors. Walking is likely to help keep your mind active. Finally, it protects your bones. Just 30 minutes of walking three times a week does wonders to prevent and treat thinning bones. This kind of exercise uses 95 percent of your muscles, which actually pushes your bones to get stronger so they can handle the load.

My Opinion:
I read this article that said walking is good for me in many ways. one of the benefits is weight loss. This is true through my own experience. in my case, I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. These days, many people drive to close places instead of walking. I suggest that people use the stairs instead of elevators.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Too Much Coffee Bad for Fertility

(Read the complete article ... )

By RICK (Lee, Hae Chang) (544)

Summary :
According to this article, drinking more than four cups of coffee a day cut chances of conceiving by pregnancy.

The researchers, from Radboud University in Nijmegan, studied all women who had received IVF treatment in the Netherlands between 1985 and 1995. They found 16% of the women went on to conceive naturally, 45% within six months of their last IVF treatment. They used questionnaires to analyse how lifestyle factors affected a woman's chances of pregnancy.

Drinking alcohol at least three times a week carried the same risk as excessive caffeine intake. But smoking more than one cigarette a day and being overweight reduced the chances of pregnancy even more.

The researchers estimated that a 36-year-old woman who smoked, drank too much coffee and alcohol and was overweight, and who had been through three cycles of IVF, would have a 5% chance of a natural pregnancy. If she was a healthy weight and did not smoke or have too much caffeine or alcohol, her chance would be 15%.

My opinion :
Already we know about too much drinking coffee is not good for our body balance ,but we just think like this "hm.. drinking too much coffee .., it could be fatal for my body."

That's it. i mean even though something makes us dangerous, we just think about that and we don't change our habits.
as this article said, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day is fatal for woman's pregnancy. I think we have to think more about our healthy. For example, in case of drink coffee, alcohol, overweight and cigarette can make us fatal so.

What about that from tomorrow, before drink coffee, think one more time?

U.S. beef not popular in Korea

(Read the complete article ... )

By KELLY (Yang, Hye Jin) (545)

This article is story about negotiation of American beef between Korean and American. But, this article don’t tell all thing just it tall these days situation.

Now, in Korea, many people, like more than a million people have been making big demonstration for more than 2 months about American beef because a few months ago, Korea government and American government make a negotiation about American cow’s export to Korea , and American export cows to Korea that were more than 30 months old. So, Korean believes that American beef, which is more than 30 months old, has disease which name is Mad Cow disease. After the negotiation, many Korean was angry. So, now they have accused their president whose name is Lee Myung Bak. Korean thinks that president take shoulder about that negotiation.

In my opinion:
I think that mad cows disease is very serious problem, and Korean have to protect Korea ourselves. But, I think that Korean have to think about our president. He made a big mistake. But, i think that any presidents should not want make a big mistake to their people. Also, now president, Lee Myung-bak didn’t want to make a mistake. I believe my president because nobody of presidents lives their life for killing their people. He is also Korean. I don’t want to make a demonstration any more.

Syria: software pirate has his own code of ethics

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By Paolo La Rosa (545)

I'm posting this story because I think it's not only interesting, but also really "funny".

Abdul-Rahman Mahaini says he hacks into programs because U.S. sanctions block their sale in his country. He has stolen millions of dollars' worth of software, hacking his way into the most complex programs in the world. For a few bucks, the Syrian programmer will unlock the security codes for any program you send him via e-mail or online chat. But don't ask him to break into your ex-girlfriend's e-mail account or steal sales data from your competitor.

A funny phrases that he said are: "If you try to deprive me, I will take it from you"; "The company took two years to design this program, I broke into it in three months"; "My latest feat was to make pirated software mimic the original program so that it is eligible for automatic upgrades and support, which cost American companies even more money".

Hamade says U.S. software manufacturers invite piracy by pricing their software too high for the Middle East. In contrast, India sells academic textbooks at discounts as high as 80% in the Middle East to avoid copyright infringement.

I think he is a "HEROE" because what he thinks is true.

What do you think about?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dad Charged for 'Honor Killing'

(Read the complete article here ... )

By JUNE (Lee, Jae-oak) (545)

SUMMARY : A unacceptable event took place in Atlanta, Georgia. A Pakistani daughter, Sandeela Kanwal, was killed by her father, Chaudhry Rashid, because she wanted out of an arranged marriage. Therefore, her mother called police, and her father is accused. The frightful thing is her father thinks that he has done nothing wrong, so he doesn't have a guilty conscience.

Sandeela Kanwal, the dead daughter, got married in Pakistan in an arranged marriage recently. She has a husband who lives in Chicago, Illinois. However, she didn't want to accept arranged marriage, so she stayed her house with her family in Atlanta. Therefore, the daughter and her father had a problem that they had not spoken in two months. In the end, her father killed her daughter.

There is a word "Honor killings". It can be presented by this event. The United Nations Population Fund estimated in September 2000 that as many as 5,000 women and girls fall victim to such killings each year.

According to the expert, she said that "It's not just a U.S. issue. I think it happens across the world, and I think people need to recognize domestic violence and any kind of violence related to women as a serious, serious issue".

MY OPINION : I learned about this kind of topic from last quarter. That subject was finding a spouse. There's no doubt about marriage is significant point in our lives, and all societies have their own cultures of marriage. As you know, we all have different idea and culture. Because of this difference, we are placed in an difficult situation. After reading this article, I was lost in thought. What way is the best choice in this situation? Why did her father kill his daughter? I think her father should have respected daughter's opinion. I think we are individuals prior to someone's daughter and son, so we have to know one's precious life. This kind of problem still remains in the world. I hope that you have a time to think about this topic, and you can get some important views of your life. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bag helps Laptop Pass Air Security

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By BRUCE (Kim, Jin Su) (544)

Summary : For years at airport security checkpoints, “Laptops must be removed form their cases and placed on the belt.” The Transportation Security Administration has given the go ahead for passengers to use newly designed carry-on bags that will let them pass through security without having to take their laptops out for the X-ray inspection. It is called “checkpoint friendly” laptop cases. There are two problems with using existing laptop cases, and many of the cases are so crammed with extra gear that the computer is obscured. The other problem is security problem. Designing laptop cases the can improve customer service while security at a high level. The agency` director predicted that various new laptop cases that conform to government requirements would be in wide use by the holidays in December.

My opinion : It is difficult to use a laptop on the flight, and a big problem. New laptop design will solve this problem, so we can get lots of benefits. But we have to find solutions to put these practical use, because there are some troubles with governments and manufacturers. It’s not easy to find a solution each other. Consumer have to buy a new bag too, so I didn’t think it is not useful way. I think that it had better to develop new inspector machine to solve these problems for a long term. Then we don’t have to worry about these troubles. In my opinion it is safer and cheaper way for consumer to develop a new device.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Italy Declares Pompeii Emergency

By Iseri Junko (544)
(read the complete article ... )

This article says the Italian government has declared a "state of emergency" for the great ruins of Pompeii, Italy. It shows us how Italian government thinks about their country's great ruins.

According to the article, analysts warn that the ruins have suffered from lack of investment, mismanagement, litter and looting. Therefore, ministers of Italian government will appoint a special commissioner to manage the ruins, and Italian government has earmarked extra funding for it.

Pompeii is located in the south part of Italy, near Naples. This city was buried by a volcanic eruption in AD79, and it was not rediscovered until the 18th Century. Therefore, many of the artifacts could be preserved as they were.

But now, the great relics are in danger, experts complain so. Especially the situation of the frescos, plasterworks and stones are bad.

Therefore, Italian government declares the "state of emergency", and they will try to protect the great ruins of Pompeii as a national effort.

The "state of emergency" will last for a year.

I felt the difference of the ways to react to the crisis of cultural heritages between Japanese government and Italian one. I was surprised that Italian government declares the "state of emergency" when I read this article at first. I know there are many great ruins in Italy, and those ruins are very important as tourist attractions for Italy. But declaring the "state of emergency" is very big expression, I thought. I imagine that Japanese government will react to such situations more quietly than Italian government, Japanese government won't declare the state, and they will advance their project to protect the ruins as one of the government's works. But Italian government declares the state of emergency, and they advance their project as a national effort. I also read an article about the restoration of 'Last Supper'. ( ) This article also shows us how Italy places a special emphasis on cultural heritages. I hope to protect the great ruins of Pompeii through this "state of emergency" as same as 'Last Supper'.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

To study English by Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS game console helps spur interest in English ... (read the comlete article)

By Haruka Kimura (545)

This article is about studying English use Nintendo DS in a junior high school, Japan. Also what teachers and parents thinking about that.

According to this article, the junior high school, Tokyo joshi junior high school, Japan, using Nintendo DS for Study English in classroom. A class, seventh-graders used plastic pens to spell words like “hamburger” and “cola” on the touch panel screen.

“It’s fun,” said Chigusa Matsumoto, 12, who zipped through the drills to get her sticker. “You can study while you have fun also," she said. She has other software like Mario kart and Animal crossing; however, her favorites software is English software.

A teacher, Motoko Okubo, acknowledged Chigusa has never before seen the kind of enthusiastic concentration the DS classes have inspired in her students. “This is quite revolutionary for a Japanese schoolroom,” Yasuhiro Yamamoto said. he is a manager at software maker Paon Corp, which made the DS English program.

Some teachers are agreeing about this experience but some are not. “Some teachers aren’t quite convinced this is good.” Principal, Tsuneo Saneyoshi said, adding that the verdict is still out on the educational value of DS.
There was no opposition from the parents,” vice principal, Junko Tatsumi said. “It wasn’t that difficult a decision for us. We thought it was a great idea.”

When I was a junior high student, I liked study English ; however, many of my friends are not. They said “ studying English is not interesting and difficult. So, I think using DS is good because students can study English while they have a fun. On the other hand, as you know, video game might cause visions poor. Teachers and software makers should try to figure out how to help students studying English well. In addition, I hope many students are interested in study English.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Yonuko’s Beautiful Hair Pins: Make New From Old

Attention, ladies! Tsumami-kanzashi are exquisite hair pins ... (read the complete article)
By STEVEN (Wang, Yipin) (545)

This article reveals a new form of hair pins which is based on a Japanese traditional craft, and how to give it a new life by using different material and color arrangements instead of traditional ones.

According to the article, the artist, Yonuko, created a new style from old Kimono fabrics, it was called ‘tsumami-kanzashi.’ In addition, people only wear Kimono with traditional Japanese attire on special occasions, such as Shichi-Go-San or Coming of Age Day. However, Yonuko decided to recover this arts by her contemporary style.

The article also mentioned that she got start in her own photo exhibition, where she wore and displayed tsumami-kanzashi made in her own way. Someone who was running a shop in Tokyo took interest in that. She got a chance to own her brand named ‘Himeko.’

The article also mentioned how to make a tsumami-kanzashi roughly. Moreover, the artist shared her experience about the balance between the feelings of the materials and the combination of colors.

One thing important for an artist is inspiration. As for her, she said she got energetic sense of creativity when she went back to a piece she made at the beginning.

Her next plane is to hold solo and group exhibitions. Also, she hopes to have more workshops because she wants to spread the art of tsumami-kanzashi as wide as possible.

Nowadays, we waste too many useful resources. We can develop alternative energy sources or reuse ready-made materials. This is a good example: Yonuko uses fabric of old Kimono linings with her creativity to bring the traditional craft a new style. Furthermore, she has himeko-kanzashi go well with women’s various daily clothing . In brief, fine products ought to be retained, thus it won’t fade away and leave something sweet to the coming generations. Also we can reuse and reduce wastes to meet the Eco-friendly purpose.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spain returns home as champions

Spain returns home as champions... (read the complete article)

BY : CHRIS(Anuwat Wongprom) 545

Spain,European champion , returned home on Monday June 30,2008 by the plane that was painted word with "Campeones(Champion)" touched down at Madrid Barajas airport at 7:40 p.m. with a open-top bus had been waiting to transport them to the the center of Madrid, and thousands of people was waiting there to celebrate its victory over Germany and the country's its first major football trophy in 44 years. All of spanish soccer players were on the open-top bus , they were very happy at that time amoung thousands of people and they was singing "We Are The Champion" along the street. The bus took much time to go to the center of Madrid because there were alot of people along the street.

There were many good soccer teams in EURO 2008 such as Germany, Italy, Netherland, and France ,but Spian was the best team in EURO 2008 because they trained harder , they had a best teamwork and every Spanish players could show their top skills that was oposite the other teams in EURO 2008, especially,every spanish celebrated for European trophy happily in the center of Madrid because Spain had been waiting for European trophy for 44 years until they got it in Euro 2008.