Sunday, July 27, 2008

End Child Passive Smoking

Some good children go to heaven earlier ...

(Read the complete article ... )

By Sandy Luan (544)

Summary:The Ulster Cancer Foundation has joined a global campaign to focus on the dangers to children when parents smoke.
The core messages of the campaign are:
• Avoid smoking at home or in a car
• Advise children to stay away from second-hand smoke
• Teach children there is no safe level of second-hand smoke
• Do not smoke while pregnant or in the vicinity of someone who is pregnant
• If you are a smoker, ask for support to stop
• Become a role model for your child - do not smoke

My Opinion:
I don’t like smoking. I also can say I hate smoking. It is not only dangerous for smoker, but also for the other people, who inbreathe passive smoking, especially for children, they are young, I think they are the most innocent victims. This problem is for the world, I think smokers need pay attention to it, and children are the future owners.


Terence said...
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Anonymous said...

I also don't like both smoking and smoker. Passive smoking is a one reason that makes cancer. An adults, they can avoid smoking, but an unbornchild and child, they cannot avoid passive smoking. Especially, women have a possiblity that can be pregnant, so they have to be aware of bad effect on smoking.

Julie said...

I don't smoke and I don't like smoking, either. My father was a smoker but he had quitted smoking when my mother was pregnant, because he worried the influences of his smoking for my mother and me. As the article said, there are many things which parents who smoke can do for their children. I also think children are the most innocent victims and they have no way to avoid second-hand smoke. I think smokers, especially smokers who have children or will have children, should pay attention for the influences of their smoking.

Yoko said...

I hate somking.
For the smoker, I hope they try to quiet smoking ahter they read this article.
Smoking is really bad to smoker and people who don't smoke.
I wish they will think about it.

Sunyoung Park said...

Thesedays, there are a lot of article about smoking because smoking has many bad effect for our bodies. I have heard second-hand smoke is worse than smoking. To avoid passive smoking,smokers have to be more careful about it. I think there is no advantage of smoking.

Anonymous said...

I'm smoker, so I know that smoking is dangerous.
Maybe everone who is smoker knows about this, and they have tried to quit smoking, but they are still here as smoker.
you think what's the problem ?

I think we need the way how can we quit smoking~!!

Christine said...

Most people enjoy a smokes it is general in the world. I don’t like smoke, but I understand a smoker. I think smokes are one of method a stress settlement. However, if smoker are enjoy any place, I can’t understand, so I want smoker are enjoy smoke place. They doesn’t do smoke an anyplace!

Chang said...

I'm smoker, but I don't like smoker and smoking. Actually, I want to quit smoking. and I am trying.
I have seen some advertisement about smoking. In Korea, some advertisement said that smoking is unvisible violence.

minji said...

I strongly agree about this article, especially 'Avoid smoking at home or in a car'. Smoking produces all evil and no good. Also, smoking people break down in health of other people as well as thmeselves. Second-hand smoking is more harmful than smoking directly. Especially for children, it's more harmkul than adults.

Chek this article.