Monday, July 7, 2008

Italy Declares Pompeii Emergency

By Iseri Junko (544)
(read the complete article ... )

This article says the Italian government has declared a "state of emergency" for the great ruins of Pompeii, Italy. It shows us how Italian government thinks about their country's great ruins.

According to the article, analysts warn that the ruins have suffered from lack of investment, mismanagement, litter and looting. Therefore, ministers of Italian government will appoint a special commissioner to manage the ruins, and Italian government has earmarked extra funding for it.

Pompeii is located in the south part of Italy, near Naples. This city was buried by a volcanic eruption in AD79, and it was not rediscovered until the 18th Century. Therefore, many of the artifacts could be preserved as they were.

But now, the great relics are in danger, experts complain so. Especially the situation of the frescos, plasterworks and stones are bad.

Therefore, Italian government declares the "state of emergency", and they will try to protect the great ruins of Pompeii as a national effort.

The "state of emergency" will last for a year.

I felt the difference of the ways to react to the crisis of cultural heritages between Japanese government and Italian one. I was surprised that Italian government declares the "state of emergency" when I read this article at first. I know there are many great ruins in Italy, and those ruins are very important as tourist attractions for Italy. But declaring the "state of emergency" is very big expression, I thought. I imagine that Japanese government will react to such situations more quietly than Italian government, Japanese government won't declare the state, and they will advance their project to protect the ruins as one of the government's works. But Italian government declares the state of emergency, and they advance their project as a national effort. I also read an article about the restoration of 'Last Supper'. ( ) This article also shows us how Italy places a special emphasis on cultural heritages. I hope to protect the great ruins of Pompeii through this "state of emergency" as same as 'Last Supper'.


Abo Suhaib said...

As we know, the ancient cities that display in utmost details what life was like in Roman Empire. In accordence to the ruins have suffered from lacking of investment, in fact, if you are looking fo a European tourist destination, consider the unique area."Pompeii" is the best for enjoyment

Yoko said...

Italian goverment act very quick and they really want to protect their historic structure.
It also tells us how they are proud of their history.
Fortunately, they have good goverment, so I hope they will find good way to keep "Pompeii"

kaori said...

The great ruins in Pompeii are gifts from the past to know the ancient culture, lifestyle, and so on. I hope a "state of emergency" works well on the ruins.