Friday, July 11, 2008

Syria: software pirate has his own code of ethics

(Read the complete article ... )

By Paolo La Rosa (545)

I'm posting this story because I think it's not only interesting, but also really "funny".

Abdul-Rahman Mahaini says he hacks into programs because U.S. sanctions block their sale in his country. He has stolen millions of dollars' worth of software, hacking his way into the most complex programs in the world. For a few bucks, the Syrian programmer will unlock the security codes for any program you send him via e-mail or online chat. But don't ask him to break into your ex-girlfriend's e-mail account or steal sales data from your competitor.

A funny phrases that he said are: "If you try to deprive me, I will take it from you"; "The company took two years to design this program, I broke into it in three months"; "My latest feat was to make pirated software mimic the original program so that it is eligible for automatic upgrades and support, which cost American companies even more money".

Hamade says U.S. software manufacturers invite piracy by pricing their software too high for the Middle East. In contrast, India sells academic textbooks at discounts as high as 80% in the Middle East to avoid copyright infringement.

I think he is a "HEROE" because what he thinks is true.

What do you think about?


Sharon said...

Comment from Sharon
I am not sure if this is illegal or legal . The marker hate a person who pirate their software but user is alway wellcome cheaper software.I think a person who can piracy software easily is so clever.

RYOUKO said...

I think that he suggests that all of companies have to make more avaolable and satisfy for users program, so I agree with his opinion.

Steven said...

This article reffer to Hamade says U.S. software manufacturers invite piracy by pricing their software too high for the Middle East. I think equal price possible reduces hacker attact. Moreover, hackers give the software company alertness to improve better than sale to consumers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, his situation is so funny. Someone makes program for invasion, the other makes another step.

Chris said...

Morally, I think priracy is a wrong thing to do, but I think most will agree that you would rather pay 10 bucks vice 50 bucks for the same program/software. Don't you think?

Helen said...

I have no idea that his actions are legal or not. However, I can agree with his opinion because I think he said ture.

(Haruka Kimura)

Unknown said...

"We're not stealing," Mahaini says "We're taking advantage of their weaknesses."However, hacking and piracy are illegal.In my opinion,he pretends to be innocent and victim, but he is the offender.

Ryo said...

He is so clever!!