Sunday, July 6, 2008

To study English by Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS game console helps spur interest in English ... (read the comlete article)

By Haruka Kimura (545)

This article is about studying English use Nintendo DS in a junior high school, Japan. Also what teachers and parents thinking about that.

According to this article, the junior high school, Tokyo joshi junior high school, Japan, using Nintendo DS for Study English in classroom. A class, seventh-graders used plastic pens to spell words like “hamburger” and “cola” on the touch panel screen.

“It’s fun,” said Chigusa Matsumoto, 12, who zipped through the drills to get her sticker. “You can study while you have fun also," she said. She has other software like Mario kart and Animal crossing; however, her favorites software is English software.

A teacher, Motoko Okubo, acknowledged Chigusa has never before seen the kind of enthusiastic concentration the DS classes have inspired in her students. “This is quite revolutionary for a Japanese schoolroom,” Yasuhiro Yamamoto said. he is a manager at software maker Paon Corp, which made the DS English program.

Some teachers are agreeing about this experience but some are not. “Some teachers aren’t quite convinced this is good.” Principal, Tsuneo Saneyoshi said, adding that the verdict is still out on the educational value of DS.
There was no opposition from the parents,” vice principal, Junko Tatsumi said. “It wasn’t that difficult a decision for us. We thought it was a great idea.”

When I was a junior high student, I liked study English ; however, many of my friends are not. They said “ studying English is not interesting and difficult. So, I think using DS is good because students can study English while they have a fun. On the other hand, as you know, video game might cause visions poor. Teachers and software makers should try to figure out how to help students studying English well. In addition, I hope many students are interested in study English.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have heard it before. This kind of phenomenon in Japan is the same as Korea. The Korean children and adults of today use Nintendo DS to study English and game. I think using Nintendo DS in moderation is very important. Then, we can get English skill, fun and our health.

Abo Suhaib said...

For me, it's first time to hear with that kind of learning. According to the article, Learning English using Nintendo DS is useful for mayraid of things specialy for vocabulary classed, I consider that as the latest effort in an attempt to improve studying through repetitive learning in Japan, hopefully to prevalent over the world.

Sharon said...

I'll not disagreed for any tools can help to learn English. Mostly we're wellcome for all the way help improve our English skill.

RYOUKO said...

In my opinion, I din't agree with the opinion wich student can use DS in their English class because if they could use the game, they wouldn't need to go to the English class. I mean they can learn English from the game or any other kind of product, so I feel every English teacher don't need to do their job.

Unknown said...

Even though the DS classes have inspired in students,it's just teachers' derelication.Normally teacher have to get students interested in English.They exist not to teach how to use DS,but to teach English.Terefore,I want them to object to the DS class, improve their teaching skills,and have confidence as they are teacher.

Haruka Kabeya said...

Using Nintendo DS has not only positive but also negative aspects.DS may be able to attract childrens interests of study, but just it. I think the best way to skill up of ability is learned from teacher directly.

Chris said...

This is not a new concept. There are many games today that allows kids to study English and even Math using video games.

Unknown said...

I think that using Nintendo DS is good for studying English or other things, but on the other hand, as what other classmates said, some students focuse is not study English, their forcuse is playing game. Nentendo is useful for studying because it is fast(?) and like enjoyable, but if most people's focuse is not study, it is not nessery.

Ryo said...

I think that student using DS in class is stupid thing. If students use DS in class, teacher is not necessary. The teacher and parents are also stupid. The world is getting more crazy than before.