Friday, July 18, 2008

US to Overturn HIV Travel Ban

(Read the complete article ... )

By Mitsue Hirota (544)

Since 1987, the US has prohibited HIV-positive visitors from entering America. There are some countries which still ban travel for HIV-positive visitors; however, the US Senate has voted to reverse this rule. Two members of Congress; John Kerry and Gordon Smith took the lead in dropping the ban. It is called ‘Unwelcome mat’, and it became an invisible barrier. They believe that we have to get rid of unwelcome mat for their global leadership on HIV. In addition, President Bush has already agreed with that suggestion.

My Opinion:
I think that this problem is not so easy to decide, because there are many way of thinking. When the US prohibited HIV-positive visitors from entering America, the government might have been afraid of infecting. Then, they banned their entering, I guess. However, as you know, HIV is not like cold. We don’t catch HIV by just talking, shaking hands or something like that. So I believe this policy will be a good chance to remove our stereotype about HIV. Also, it may become another chance that people can comprehend this disease deeply.


Julie said...

I also think this decision will be an opportunity to know and understand HIV. As you said, the infection of HIV is not same as cold or something like that. When we know the correct knowledge of HIV, we don't have to worry about the infection of HIV so much. I think HIV-positive visitors should have same chances to travel many countries as same as other people. I hope this decision of the US will be a prompt for other countries which still ban travel for HIV-positive visitors.

Yoko said...

I agree with you. That is true that we don't catch HIV like cold.
Bush will think about it again and he will let them in to the US

kaori said...

I didn't know that the US has banned HIV-positive visitors from entering the US until I read your article. I agree with you and Junko. People who are HIV-positive have the same chance to travel as people who are HIV-negative. To give the same oppoortunity to HIV-positive visitors, everyone should be taken a right education of HIV, I think.

Anonymous said...

Actually, everyone is scared HIV.
however, according to people said, they have to get opportunity to go somewher freely. i think so.
they could be your neighborhood or friends. let me give same chance them.