Friday, August 29, 2008

Indies at the Oscars: Going Soon?

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By Min ji Kim (544)

During the last three years, independent movies won ‘the best picture’ prize, and it is enormous change. Also, indies (Independent movies) are getting more power especially the best picture competition in Oscar glory. Indies had been nominated Oscar often, but studios(studio system) just tried to make more spectacular movies without anger or astonishment. Studios tried to recover their status of glory, and actually it was their party. Therefore, nowadays a flourishing drift about indies looks going to be end. Some independent films delayed their screening to wait better time that there are a few competitors.

My Opinion:
Blockbuster is the name of a bomb used in the Second World War. The name means it can blow away whole one block. Similar in name, the size and influence of blockbuster movies are enormous. However, the interest regarding a movie increases, in addition to the voice of criticism against the blockbuster movies that monopolizes a film market also increase. On the other hand, independent movies have more various genre and subjects than blockbuster movies, so well matched with each person's personality. Even though independent movies represent the director's character variously, blockbuster movies are better at economic power, popularity, and the role for society.

The blockbuster movies keep an economic power, because it can generate a lot of money. The many companies invested money in making blockbusters, therefore, recently it became fixed as one enterprise. The blockbuster movies are operating with the most powerful performance card in a season in the film industry. In addition, most of the films that create an income by exporting to foreign countries are also blockbuster movies. On the other hand, the independent movies are small scale. These are usually made in small studio. Because of the weakness at funds supply power, the vicious circle is continued and earning money comes to be strenuous. It's very hard that independent movies earn much money. A small film such as "Brokeback Mountain" in which was boosted is much more difficult to expect than "The Lord of the Rings" which will give a performance. Finally, blockbuster movies have the affirmative effect which leads the film industry.

Popularity of blockbuster movies is higher than that of independent movies. Almost blockbuster movies put on screen, and many of them are succeed, Funds of blockbuster movies are enough to advertise a movie by mass media. Therefore, the number of people who come to see a movie is increase, and income is also increase. More than 80% of annual hit movies are blockbusters, and it seizes more than 90% of the cinema. Independent movies, however, often fail screening. It's subjects are too specific and uncommon, so only the person having interests at the subject come to see it. Even if the independent movies put on screen, many of them drop the curtain in a few days. For example, Korean movies "Take Care of My Cat" and "Resurrection of the Little Match Girl" succeeded screening, but they had to quit it in two weeks. As a result, people usually go to cinema to see a blockbuster movie not an independent movie.

Blockbuster movies do more effective role to the public than independent movies. It gives indirect and various experience to us, and a part of the mass entertainment. The reason why the number of people go to cinema to see a blockbuster movie is blockbusters treat mass subjects, so it can attract various interest people. When people watch "Blood Diamond" they can think about racism, war, and love. Furthermore, many people see blockbusters means the power of it become more strong. However, independent movie's power of effect is not very strong. The most important reason is the subject of it is too detail and small. Because of it, only few people consider going to see a independent movie. Moreover, even if a person see an independent movie, the person usually have a problem to understand. Actually, most of people who saw independent film said those movies are weird and some scenes are very embarrassing. Therefore, blockbuster movies have more effective power to the public than independent movies.

Finally, in modern society economic power is one of the most important source to making success in business. Blockbuster movies can earn much money, so it can use mass media and get much popularity. As the number of people who watch blockbuster movies are increase, it's power to the public is also get higher. After that, the cycle is going to be continued. Think about yourself, which movies have you seen more?

Parents keep an eye on their children on Facebook

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By Aude Brun (545)

“Parents keep an eye on their children on Facebook”

• Summary
Facebook is a website with a social network to rather close or unknown people. Originally, it was Harvard’s social network then, other American universities used it. Since 2006, everyone can use this social website. In July 2008, Facebook had more than 90 millions of members of all around the world. It’s the 8th website most visited in the world.

It seems to be a good thing to communicate with friends in this way… But an investigation reveals that children who use this kind of websites are unconscious. Indeed, they don’t pay attention to the conditions of utilization and they give pieces of information about their private life. Even if this website is forbidden for children who are less then 13 years old, in United-Kingdom, 750 000 children between 8 and 12 use Facebook and give to others, private informations such as address, cell phone number, their school’s name.. A quarter of them have in their contacts some people they’ve never known… However, 75% of the parents would keep an eye to their children on Facebook secretly.

Do we inform the youth about the web’s dangers?

• My opinion
I think we have to inform children about some dangers of the Internet. First, never give personal informations such as address, last name, cell phone number... Second, parents have to watch their children, they have to know what their children do on the computer.

I have a Facebook, I gave my last name but that’s all. All of my contacts are people I know. And if someone is looking for me and he’s not in my contacts, he can’t my profile.

I have another experience: my sister who’s 15 years old, went on some blogs and put some comments. She didn’t even know these persons, and she related to them her life. These persons had some big problems, my sister had small problems, but after that, she thought she had big problems. She didn’t want to communicate with us (her family). So, my parents decided to install parental control on the computer. No, she’s really good and she talks to us.

Finding ways to cut wedding costs

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By Haruka Kimura (545)

People worried about economic slowdown, and many people are trying to save money even if wedding. Katrina Macrae is trying having a wedding party while saving money. For example, she plans to buy some flowers wholesale from flower area in downtown, Los Angeles. Other people also plan to similar party. There are several examples, first, ask your friends to make-up and hair set at that day. Second, you can make gifts what given to guests at a wedding reception, such as homemade CDs.
Another person, Tuner, believe that it’s really important to start saving money because nobody knows what the future is going to bring.

My Opinion:
I think wedding party is really important. Wedding is just one time in the all of my life. In Japan, wedding party is not like a party. It’s like more ceremony. When I went to my cousin’s wedding, I thought I want to be a bride like her because she was very beautiful. However, if I think about my wedding now, I cannot image anything because the costs are really expensive, so I really don’t know I would have enough money at that time. Anyway, I think how much you spend money is not important, I think most important thing is discuss with your partner and enjoy making wedding plans.

Diaper Saves Baby!

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By Koji Nishiyama (544)

Diaper saved 18 month old baby. Caua Felipe Massanerio is 18 month. He lives at apartment in Recife Brazil. First of all, he fell from his house, it is 3rd floor. Next, his diaper was caught by security spike. After that, Massanerio was hanged by the spike. Finally, the diaper opened slowly, he fell to the ground. He just broke born a little bit.

This article is really interesting. It was a miracle. Even spikes could be killed Massanerio too. I didn’t know diaper can save a life. Actually as his father said “He was saved by god.” That was could be by god.

South Korea's Suicide Rate Up

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By Terence (544)

The article is about the rising suicide rate South Korea . Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in South Korea . More and more people suicide in South Korea , and a majority of those people are males age 18 to 35 and teenagers. There are some reasons about that. First, rapid economic growth has changed the way South Koreans regard life. Second, people have very little support from other people. Third, students have so many pressures at university. Fourth, Internet offers some information about suicide.

My Opinion:
Of course the main reason is the pressures of the society. Also it is an education system problem. I think it should be strengthen cultural education or psychological education. Actually life is meaningless, but it is meaningful because we are still alive. Just enjoy it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gay Marriage Opponents in Massachusetts Organize

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By Christine (544)

In Massachusetts, some people fight of the gay marriage. Opponents of same sex marriages people doesn’t want that gay and lesbian couple can’t marry in here to legal. Opponents were approved the cancel of gay and lesbian couples marries to law fullness, so they were did signatures and delay the law.

They said, 32,000persons did signatures to their question. However, other sides people are insist on that they learned gay and lesbian also same tank with opponents. California permits gay and lesbian marriage and no restriction to them. Now, Attorney General Martha Coakley has 14days to review the proposed question.

My Opinion:
I don’t care that who are married, and loves with same sex. In U.S.A. have a many people of gay, lesbian so, I thought gay and lesbian marry are present situation. However, many people are against to them until now, and they don't advocates. Few days ago, I heard California permits same-sex marriage and has no restriction on out-of-state couples, but it is some places are can do it. In my opinion, Humans maid can't control to law, so this situation is solve to each person's considerate.

Effects of Anime on Children's Gender Attitudes

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By Ryoko Seki (545)

According to the article, there are several effects for children to watch animation on TV; however, every child cannot notice the effects and also their parents also don’t notice the effects. The writer said on the field of gender, many researchers say children are felt under a lot of biased view of gender by animation easily and in the ordinary because most of central characters are always boy in the animation; in addition the boy is often hero in the animation, which means the boys always hero, but the girls always passive, silence, and watch such as traditional Japanese women style which silence, passive, and follow with men. However, the writer said some of central characters are girl in Japanese animation. Moreover, he said it’s the most astonishing phenomenon as compare with the traditional animations. Unfortunately, even though the central characters are girls, the boy appears in the animation and then he always helps the central character who is girl or fights with baddie. At the situation, the girl just waits or doesn’t do anything as traditional animation. Therefore, children who are three to seven years old learn gender stereotypes automatically. Will this situation continue??

My Opinion:
In my opinion when I read this article I remembered Haruka’s who is our classmate presentation because I thought it’s exactly bad effect for children; moreover many people don’t notice or mention this opinion. On the field of gender, a lot of researchers have said people have been effected by TV shows since they were child and they have never suspect the contents of TV shows. In my case, I used to watch much animation when I was a child, but I had never suspected this opinion and also I got the way of thinking which it was natural that women often followed with men; in addition women always had to support men or if women couldn’t exceed by herself or they had no idea, men always helped or saved them. In my opinion, in the general animations, it teaches like women cannot do anything alone or they always need men’s helping which is the most worst custom of thinking for us. Moreover, we are bind by thinking of statue between men and women. For instance, men are always strong and they can save and protect women. On the other hand, women always passive, silence, follow with men, and just watching. We have never considered why our thinking have never changed and we’ve never felt it’s strange, so I with many people noticed this problem. Do you think women must not be strong or They should wait men’s help?

Manipulating Your Neck Could Lead to a Stroke

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By Teresa (544)

According to this article, more and more are going to release their pain, so they go to see chiropractors to solve the problems. The chiropractors twist the patients’ necks in an unhealthy way. This may hurt the spinals, and also this can be the reason to cause the stroke. In general, the rate of the stroke people, just a few cases under forty five years old. Nowadays, especially for the young people, they like the neck adjustments more than older people. This behavior can increase the rate of stroke.

My Opinion:
In my country, many people like to see the chiropractors. Most of them are trying to have much healthy body. Some of them work very hard and feel sore, so they think this is a good way to remove the feeling. I think it could be possible to figure it out by this way, but not too often. From the article we should understand that it may damage our body if we do too much.

Inmate seeks clemency from execution

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By Mitsue Hirota (544)

In Summary: Richard Cooey is a convict because of the crime which is the killing of two University of Akron students in 1986, and he asked the state to lighten the punishment lately. These things were written in the lawsuit which was presented in this month: Cooey’s height is 5 feet 7 and weight is 267 pounds, so the executioners would be in trouble. The reason is that his veins and weight would reduce the effects of the lethal injection drugs; as a result, there is possibility that he cannot die totally. His lawyers said that Cooey’s original defense team didn’t present that the influence of abuse when he was a child, and the effect of his alcoholic. Dana Cole who represented Cooey at the parole board hearing said, Cooney who is a murder, and the other Cooney who is suffering from remorse is a different person. If he is killed, it means we killed the person who is not a murder. Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh reexamined graphic details of the rape and murder of the two students, and he also reviewed the event Cooey tried to escape in 2005. Then, Walsh said that since these reasons, Cooey never show us the integrity, remorse, and penitence. On Tuesday, Government Stricktland will decide whether he wants to follow his own rule or the rules which has recommended by parole board.

My Opinion: I never forgive Cooney, and I completely disagree this lawsuit. If it is going to be difficult to execute him because of his fat, all the executioners have to do is just increase the volume of the lethal injection drugs. I cannot believe he is asserting such things at this time of the day. Moreover, he committed such a cruel crime, but he has never demonstrated the integrity or remorse. Even though this crime was because of his beating experience when he was a child or his alcoholic, I think he will commit a crime again because it’s really hard for most of people to change themselves completely. We must minimize the bad things we can imagine that it will happen in the future; otherwise, it means we didn’t learn anything from this incident. In addition, I could never forgive him if I were the victim’s parents or were on familiar terms with. I cannot let he live; otherwise, it’s not fair. I hope the victim’s family can satisfy with the result which is going to be.

New York's HIV rate 3 times national average

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By CHRIS (544)

In New York City,the rate of HIV infection is three times of the national rate. 72 of everry 100000 New Yorkers contracted
HIV in 2006 more than the national rate of 23 of 100000,that mean it is triple rate in New York City. HIV, or the human
immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that causes AIDS. Morover, men who have sex with men received HIV inflection higher in New York City because HIV spread within those group, so the risk of HIV infection per sexual contact is higher.

In addition, 36 percent of gay and bisexual in New York City, men who had many partners to have sex without condoms
This is a main group which is at high risk for getting and spreading HIV

I have heard about HIV for long time,it is impossible to treat because there is no medicine for HIV.This article, I can not believe that the rate of HIV infection is three times of the national rate because New York City was developed, it has a lot of modern tecnology, and many educated people,but I do not know why this city is triple higher rate of HIv than the national rate is. I think New yorkers should protect themselves from HIV or decrease it because if it speads more in New york City, this city will be worse.

Causes of Deforestation in Libya

By Tareg Eljebuni (545)

A variety of environmental problems now affects our entire world such as acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion and overpopulation. However, some people think the loss of areas through deforestation is not harming the earth or human beings, but this loss of area is worse due to the killing in many animal species and making people sick from terminal diseases. They not only threaten the health and life of all human beings but also cause damage to the environment. Most people in our country, Libya are concerned about the environmental problems, as this has become an important issue within the last decade. Nowadays, scientists are doing their best to find out how to avoid this problem or at least to reduce it. Indeed, I have recently noticed the environmental problem in my country, Libya: the loss of areas through deforestation.

One of the most worrying factors today is the massive destruction of forests in Libya due to human activities, which are chopping down trees for construction purposes and clearing forests in order to accommodate expanding urban areas. For example, most people use wood to build their houses in order to support their ceilings during the construction of the houses. In addition, wood is renewed for making various kinds of furniture. Regarding paper products, wood is the most important factor in the paper industry. Furthermore, the quality of the wood reflects the quality of the paper in almost all its uses. Farmers try to clear forests in order to accommodate expanding urban areas. It’s obvious to me that there are two benefits, which are growing seeds for agricultural activities or useful kinds of trees such as olive trees and palm trees because they have good benefits for farmers to sell their fruits and products. The other benefit for farmers is to sell to the urban areas to become rich because nowadays one square meter costs from 100 dollars up to 2000 dollars, and this has been reflecting badly by disappearing forests.

My opinion: why some people in our country have logged trees? I know that for a number of reasons, which include the need for timber and space for agriculture. If human beings continue logging the trees for their own purposes, this will become a disaster for all the people who live in my country and animals as well. Therefore, my country will become difficult to live in because all the requirements of our lives become unavailable. I hope this will not happen in my country or any other place.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Starbucks Closing Causes Trauma in Newark

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By Yoko Shigeta (544)

As you know, 600 branches of Starbucks started to close. This article is about one Starbucks which was included 600 branches in Newark, N.J. The reaction was totally different to N. Y. city. They don’t care a lot about closing branches because they can go others. On the other hand, people in Newark reacted very emotional, got anger. Also they are disappointed and frustrated about it. “‘They’re not going to close the one on Wall Street!’ one man exclaimed.”On the some web site, you could see the flier said “Save our Starbucks”. These actions made the mayor of this city to call Starbucks to reconsider. Jorge Espana, a 70-year old guy who comes to Starbucks twice a week from the other side of town said “it‘s the only nice place on this street and important for me and other people” As he said, it is exactly important place for many people. For example, a lady said she uses there to meet her friends, or some student use for studying. A spokesman for Starbucks, Mike Lenda, sent an e-mail statement. It said, “We are humbled by the support we’ve received from communities around the U.S. — including Newark — regarding the closure of our stores, we used several criteria to determine stores for closure, including identifying locations that were not profitable at a store level and not believed to provide acceptable returns in the foreseeable future.”

My Opinion:
It was shocked to me that 600 branches of Starbucks will close not only in the U.S. also other countries. I love Starbucks and I go to there at least once a day. There were 2 branches near from Extention Center, but there is only one now. I think Starbucks is not only the place you get the coffee, also it reminds you something such as meeting to your friend. I think they star act that you can get any grande size of cold drink after 2 p.m. if you brought receipt from morning. It shows their apology to everyone such as in Neware.

N. Korea Threatens to Restore Plutonium Plant

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By Chang (544)
August, 26, 2008

North Korea announced that they had stopped disabling of nuclear facilities. North Korea and United States made an agreement to disable nuclear facilities in 2007. At that time, North Korea promised that they will give up the nuclear weaponry, and United States promised that they will take the North Korea off a terrorism blacklist. However, about two weeks ago, United States announced that deletion of the North Korea in a terrorism blacklist will be implemented at possible time; in other words, United States needed more certain evidence of disabling the nuclear facilities in the North Korea. The North Korea has had a difficulty in economy, so they want to give assistances; however it is impossible before deletion in a terrorism blacklist. The North Korea might have made an appointment with United States for economic assistances and many experts are forecasting that the North Korea will not give up the nuclear weaponry.

My Opinion:
This is serious problem in South Korea as well as United States, especially the Bush administration. The denuclearization in Korea has become a big controversy since the North Korea announced that they were making the nuclear weaponry. However, they have undergone many economic problems; for example, many people are dying because of starvation, and many people in the North Korea started distrusting their system, communism, so the North Korea might have been threatened about collapse of their system; as a result, the North Korea made an agreement with United States for economic assistances. I think that the North Korea have perfectly acted that as if they really wanted to make a good relationship with United States. I studied politics and diplomacy when I was freshman in university. I am sure that this is diplomacy of the North Korea. They always have two faces. Perhaps, the North Korea might thought that they have a decision because the Bush administration have a not enough time, but they want to get a good effect within their session. Therefore the Bush administration doesn’t have to be pulled to their diplomacy. Although the Bush administration is remaining several months, they have to predict a situation in the future, and don’t forget that the nuclear is only hope and a weapon which they have, so they will not easily give up their hope.

Video games help kids learn

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By Kaori Kato (544)

Researchers said that “certain types of video games” can be helpful tools that increase younger children’ “problem –solving potential to improving the suturing skills of laparoscopic surgeons.” One study showed “ the younger kids are focusing more on their planning and problem solving while they are actually playing the game” than older kids. Another study found laparoscopic surgeons “who played video games were 27 percent faster at advanced surgical procedures and made 37 percent fewer errors than” surgeons who did not. In addition, a study about people who play an online game “World of Warcraft” found that “the game encouraged scientific thinking, like using systems and models for understanding situations and using math and testing to investigate problems.” On the other hand, other researches suggest “students who played violent games tended to be more hostile, less forgiving and believed violence to be normal compared to those who played nonviolent games.”

My Opinion
I have never thought that video games, especially violent one, help children improve their “problem-solving potential”, so this article surprised me and was very interesting for me because it gave me an opposite idea to me. I had thought video games made children go bad, for example, they do not study and play outside with their friends until I read this article. I think this result is good. However, one thing I am worried about is that “students who played violent games tended to be more hostile, less forgiving and believed violence to be normal compared to those who played nonviolent games.” If this kind of doctors increases, I will not want to go to hospital. However, this research is good for parents who want their children to be doctors, and they will not tell their children to stop playing video games less than now if they know about this study.

L.A. Cardinal Mahony rejects same-sex marriage

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By Sunyoung Park (544)

This article is about same-sex marriages. Nowadays, California just started same-sex marriages legally. However, some people still disagree about that. Roger Mahony, a Cardinal in L.A, and other local bishops also reject to same-sex marriages. They think that same-sex marriages are against GOD, so people should marry a man and a woman. GOD shapes and gives us the meaning of marriage, so we can’t change it of our free will because it is rooted history and culture. Although many Bishops against that, it is becoming legal in some state of U.S.A and other countries. It is still one of big issue for many people that same-sex marriage is allowed, but San Francisco and Los Angeles published a license of it. There was a first Gay couple in L.A when married in 2004, and they got a license. There are also in San Francisco and other countries too,

Some people think that marriage is person's freedom. However, I think there are rules and customs in our life to maintain our society. Moreover, marriage is one of basic rules in our world. Therefore, same-sex marriage is not only one person's problem. If it would be legal in many other countries, many people that they have never think about it also can be affected by that. I heard they many people were bone with both sexes and it is changed as people are growing. I means some factors can affect the making of people's true character of sex. Also, same-sex couples can't have babys, so it also become a serious problem in society. As a result, I think we have to think over about it.

Learning a New Language

By Paolo La Rosa (545)

Some people think that studying a foreign language in the country where the language is spoken is the best way to learn the language, but other people think that learning a foreign language while living in your own country is preferable. However, there are several differences between learning a foreign language in own country or in another country.

When we learn a foreign language in the country when the language is spoken, usually the teachers are mother language who don’t speak our language. Therefore, the learning process is very difficult especially in the beginning, since it is impossible to translate sentences from our language to the new one because change the grammar and the structure of the sentences. Also, to communicate each other is difficult; consequently, it is possible to have miss understanding. Furthermore, the learning process is difficult because in the foreign country the culture, the society and the people are different than own country. For example, I’m studying English language in United States where the society, the culture and the people are different than my country which is Italy; also, all my teachers don’t speak Italian language and they don’t understand when I make sentences directly with translation from Italian language to English.

On the other hand, when we learn a foreign language while living in our own country, the teachers are usually mother language who speak our language. Consequently, to learn a foreign language is easy in the beginning, because it is possible to translate directly from our language to the new one since the teachers understand. Also, it is possible to clarify every doubt that we have asking the teacher and receiving the explanation in two languages. In addition, it is possible to learn the idioms easier than another country, because the teachers know how explain us these. Moreover, we learn the new language in a place with is our country, with the culture, society and people that we know. For example, my sister studied English language in Italy and she had a teacher mother language that spoke also Italian language very well. Consequently, the learning process was easy for her since she translated the sentences and the idioms directly from Italian to English and she had a opportunity to clarify all doubts that she had. Moreover, she studied English in Italy which was her country, so with the same culture, society and people than her habit.

Whenever learn a new language in the same country that we leave is easier than learn a new language in a foreign country, for me learn a new language in the country where the language is spoken is the best way to learn, because stay in touch with people with different culture, with different society and with people who speak only the language that I have to learn, is a hard but a good opportunity to learn the best pronunciation and is a really good life experience.
Paolo La Rosa

Woman diagnoses cancer via e-mail

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By Junko Iseri (544)

A British woman found a sign of cancer in a picture which was sent by her 'internet-friend'.

Mrs. Robb who is a British woman and Mrs. Santos who is an American woman became friends through the Internet because they have a big common fact. They have borne their children on the same day.

Mrs. Santos sent her pictures of her girl who became 1 years old to Mrs. Robb. Mrs. Robb noticed a sign of cancer through these pictures because she remembered an article of that. The sign of cancer was the reflection a light in the infant's eyes.

Mrs. Robb suggested Mrs. Santos by an e-mail to take her girl to the hospital and see the doctor. Then, Mrs. Santos took her advice and went to the hospital to have a check-up for her daughter on the same day she received the e-mail.

In the hospital, Mrs. Santos's girl was diagnosed as Retinoblastoma. This is a kind of cancer of eyes, and it's rare. The infant still has been in the illness, but there is a possibility that she will be able to recover because her cancer was found in the early stage.

Mrs. Robb and Mrs. Santos have never met because they are 'internet-friends'. However, Mrs. Robb saved the life of Mrs. Santos's daughter. Mrs. Santos owes her girl's life to Mrs. Robb, she said "Even if we waited even one more week, the tumor could have reached her brain and her prognosis would have not been good.".

An e-mail saved a girl's life.

These days, there are many problems of the Internet; for example, fraud and bullying. There are many arguments about the Internet in the world, but I think most of these arguments are about the bad effects or side of the Internet. However, this article shows us that there are good effects of the Internet. If there was no tool like the Internet and the mother didn't use it, the small girl would be threatened with death. As this article said, "An internet chat led to early diagnosis of cancer". I hope this article could be a prompt to remind us that there are many good effects of the Internet. Sometimes, there are some people say that friends who met through the Internet are not real friends, but I think Mrs. Robb and Mrs. Santos are friends truly even though they have never meet.

Ellen and Portia Get Married

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By Kelly (545)

On Saturday August 16, Ellen DeGeneres, 50 and Portia de Rossi, 35 got married In Los Angeles. There are 19 guests including Ellen's mom Betty and Portia's mother Margaret Rogers. Ellen wore tuxedo and Portia wore wedding dress. Both are by Zac Posen. They exchanged ring by Nail Lane.
They have been dating since December 2004. Ellen announced Portia before the rule which is “a previous ban on gay marriage to be unconstitutional” was made.

My Opinion
I think that many people think was changed, and gay and lesbian are not big problem anymore. Still it is problem, but many people understand their life and their mind, so in our societies, many things were changed. Therefore, gays or lesbians are getting proud of themselves, and they are expressing their mind very freely. I think that we can’t make them to stop it what they are doing. They have their own life and also they have a lot of choice about their life. Ellen and Portia, they chose their life and they just enjoy their life and are happy. If they are lesbian or not, I think that that situation is not bad. They just found their own identity. If they take assume the responsibility. That’s enough.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ready for a Black First Lady?

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By Ryoko Seki (545)

American history of First lady will be changed by aggressively woman. According to the article the author said he expects Barrack Obama will become a new president of America. However, he aspects his wife Michelle Obama will be able to be accepted by American and political people because of her attractive actions and her educational. He pays attention to traditional conserve American first lady who always stays at home and smiles for the cameras behind her husband and follows him, but the writer said Michelle Obama doesn’t suit mold because of her attractive activities, opinion for her husband’s campaign. Therefore he said “Michelle Obama is no ordinary presidential candidate's wife” And then he compares with some first ladies and candidate’s wife. Especially, recent women’s who are these political women try to change traditional figure of American first lady. For instance, the writer said Laura Bush who is first lady right now fits traditional mold figure of American first lady; however even she tried to change the system. She wears pantsuits instead of dress.
Michelle Obama did many attractive political actions, but some American says complements to her political actions. Can she become First lady?

My Opinion:
I’m really interested in election to decide new president of America because there has never been black president in American history, and also first lady. I think this is the biggest chance or opportunity to change American history of discrimination and also it’s good time to reconsider women’s right and conservative thinking. I’d like to ask you do you think can they become top of the American politics?

Online Friendships Can Be Tricky

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By Haruka Kabeya (545)

Recently social network service on the Internet is very popular all over the world. My space is one of it. As a 2006 ComScore survey, half of users are 35 and older people. It means several kinds of generation people use social net work and communication with another people. Morover,some teacher communicate with students thorough social network service. Thanks to using these kind of tool, teacher and student can communicate easily; however, it is the fact that online communication make inappropriate relationship.

My Opinion:
I'm one of the user of social network service. As we know it is very useful and we enjoy chatting with friends. This article about teacher communicate with student through site. It seems very good way, and teacher and student talk as if they are friends. Although, I think it is natural that there are boundary between them,so the boundary is necessity for them. On the other hand, recently several crime through the web site happen. Communicate with unfamiliar people is very easy if we use the web site.Social network service has many advantages,but when we use these site we have to consider it's safe or not.

Polygamy is the key to a long life

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By June( Lee, Jae-oak) (545)

If you have more wives and children, you could live longer. According to the Newscientist article, Virpi Lummaa, an ecologist at the University of Sheffield, UK, says the men who are living in some countries that have a custom of polygamy tend to live more than men who are living in some countries that have no custom of polygamy. Polygamy means the custom of having more than one wife at the same time.

The original purpose of this study was why human beings live longer than chimpanzees and monkeys. All creatures live for spreading their offspring. That is, if human beings can’t breed, they’ll die. However, human beings can live more than 30 years although women stop having their period. This can be explained grandmother hypothesis that human beings need the role of grandmother who helps keep prosperity in their group. On an average, women get two of offspring every ten years. Then, this explanation can be applied to men? For their offspring, does grandfather have to live longer? In a different way, men can spread their offspring after 60 years old and remarried man has more children than the man who is married once. That’s why remarried man isn’t concerned about his children of former wife. In the end, when children grow up, they tend to not have children, so remarried man has many children, but not offspring. Eventually, the professor insists that men’s life span evolved because of women’s life span. The more they have wives and children, the more they can live longer. Owing to vigorous virility, men can live longer.

*My Opinion:
Do you remember the word polygamous when we learned stems and prefixes? When I saw this word, I determined to present this article, and it’s quite interesting topic. According to this article, polygamy helps live more long. Will you choose polygamy for your long life span? I think it is related to human instinct. Who wants to remarry on purpose? I think we can be happier when we follow by provision of nature. Whether we want or not, creatures have evolved for a long time, and we can’t block. Anyway, isn’t it miraculous?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Choosing to forgive ... or not

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By Sharon Ng (545)

The experts said forgiveness does not come easy, but people can do. Men and women have differently on forgiving. Men recally own offences to forgive easier . but women get defensive and guifty when recalling own offence so it's hard to forgive. Keeping angy or hurt feeling to have a bad effect on stress levels. Here below give ways to "forgivess"

1) People can get anger but don't stay for long time .

2) talking your feeling to close friend or family member who you trust
if someone hurt you.

3) If someone hurt you, try to think the way why they do it.

4) Write a letter to express your feeling to person who hurt you or
talk to them directly about your feeling.

5) Most important , Not get angry , always remind yourself "forgiveness".

My opinion: I know it's very hard control the feeling sometimes but I think try to "forgiveness" is helping yourself to have happy life. For me , I cannot felt asleep & my hearts feel umfortable if I get anger on someone. then I told to myself to forgiveness or forgot it , it will help release my stress and felt asleep easy. Hope everyone can put "forgiveness" in mind always.

Growing up with pets could cause snoring

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By Haruka Kimura (545)

Snoring is a serious problem. It is not just noisy. Heavy snoring linked to early death such as heart disease and stroke. The university hospital Umeo found being exposed to a dog as newborn increase the risk of snoring 26%. They said allergic swelling may change the shape of a person’s airways for life. Under one in five of the 15.556 people from different countries reported “habitual snoring”, described as loud and disturbing on at least three nights a week. These included being hospitalized for a respiratory infection before two years old.

My Opinion:
I heard that snoring is link to heart diseases and respiratory diseases. At that time, I noticed snoring is not just noisy things. In addition, a man who had respiratory disease and snoring had gotten a big event in Japan. He had a problem that is snoring and he could not sleep well everyday because of snoring impediment. He was a driver and he slept while he was driving. That was big news in Japan. Because of that event, we noticed snoring shows big health problems.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Buying Cellphones for Kids

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By Haruka Kabeya (545)

Recently several kids have own cell phones, and also as research, 54% of 8 to 12 year olds kids will have a cell phone in the next three years. Cell phone is very useful such as contact with parents and safety; on the other hand, there are some dangerous points. For example cell phone allows kids watching sexual predators accesses, and it risks health.

My Opinion:
I know several kids have cell phone. As there is written in this article, there are good and bad aspect in using cell phone. Of course cell phone is convenient, and some kind of it has GPS, so cell phone can help kids from dangerous. However, kids who have cell phone can contact with unfamiliar people easily, and also communication between parents and kids become decrease because of using cell phone. In conclusion, kids having cell phone is good for them to safe, but before having, parents must consider about dangerous part.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

L’Olympique de Marseille Football Club

By Aude Brun (545)

L’Olympique de Marseille also known as l’OM or Marseille is a soccer team situated in Marseille, South of France. This is a very good team in France , it’s in L1 (League 1) which is the top level in France . The club was founded in 1899 and this the largest most successful club in France and also the most decorated, in fact, l’OM won the UEFA Champions League in 1993. No stadium in France can provide the atmosphere generated at the Stade Velodrome with his 60,013 seats. Among these seats, 40,000 are season-ticket holders (persons who go to each game). So, Marseille has the most passionate public, the team has fans all around the world.

Last game (08/17/08) : OM 4-0 Auxerre.
(Watch a video of a game from 2007 here ... )

My Opinion :
I think if you have the chance to go to France, and in Marseille, you should go to see l’OM playing at the “Stade Velodrome”. I’m sure you’ll have fun there.

My dad is a season-ticket holders, so sometimes I can go with him. I always have fun there, I like the atmosphere : every game, the stadium is full, everybody is standing up wearing OM jerseys and scarfs. All along the game, you HAVE TO sing OM songs, jump, be active. You can’t be bored, I promess!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Men and Women

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By Haruka Kimura (545)

The article talks about what differences between men and women like their thoughts, behaviors and wants. For example, women want their lover to spend more time with them. In contrast, men have fewer desires than women such as they want their lover to support them while they have nothing at all. In addition, the writer provides some useful tips on how to get along with opposite sex in daily life. In conclusion, the writer thinks that the few differences between men and women are good because people can enjoy different lives.

My Opinion;
I think people are different such as appearance, mind, personality and other different. In fact, we are same because we are human beings. However, we are different; we cannot find a person who is same as you. I think it is very interesting and important things. I think all people want someone to love them and take care of them. In addition, people seek for love until they are dying.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Egypt's Marriage Crisis

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By Junko Iseri (544)

This article says there is a top-selling book which is written by Ghada Abdelaal in Egypt. The author is a young Egyptian woman, and the books started as a blog, before it was printed as a series of comic sketches by an Egyptian publisher. This book is written about the conservative tradition of Egypt and social incongruity in Egypt.

In the Egyptian traditions, women are not supposed to be actively seeking something, and to say they want something is seen as impolite. In the conservative Egyptian tradition, women are exist for being married to someone, and there is a tradition which is known as "living room marriage". It means that a stranger is brought to the family home and the daughter must decide whether to marry him on the basis of this brief encounter.

This book is very popular in Egypt now, because it reflects a widespread anxiety in Egyptian society. In addition, this book reveals the present condition of Egyptian young people and the marriage. Recently, many young people cannot afford to get married because of financial problem, so they stay engaged for years before they can save up enough money. However, they are already tired of each other when they actually get to live together. Therefore, there is the unusually high rate of divorce among the newlyweds in Egypt.

Another problem which is in the book is the gender disparity. Abdelaal wrote about the women's passive role in a traditional society in this book. In Egypt. young girls are asked who would you marry when they are three or four years old, and they are implanted in schools and society the idea which women's only purpose in life is to get married .

I think this article shows us the difference of the world. In many developed countries like the US and European countries, women's rights are recognized as natural rights now. However, on the other hand, there are still many countries which have their own conservative traditions, and they think women is exist to get married through their traditions. I think it's not fair for women. To get married is good thing, and many women want to get married someday in their lives. However, women must not be forced to get married, I think. People should have choices to get married or the time to get married, the man or woman who get married to, regardless of gender. I found another article about Ghada Abdelaal and her book. ( ) She and her book bring the problem of conservative traditions and societies, and many people in the world know and think about this problem now. I wish she and her book become a prompt to think about this kind of problem in the world.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Religion and Virginity

By Paolo La Rosa (545)

Let me begin by emphasizing that I mean no insult to any religion or anyone’s beliefs and values.

Almost every religion requires virginity until marriage, and this fact sometimes influences the life and the habit of the people because to be “Virgin” means to be “Pure”. But, virginity is provable only in girl and not in man because girl is anatomically/morphologically different than man and sometimes this fact is used to discriminate men from women.

I think that sometimes religion is like a “mask” to do something convenient that somebody (men in this case) want to do. I know somebody that say to be really religious but only about the convenient thing for him. In fact, he require a virgin girl for wedding but also he is enjoying with girls and he isn't respecting his religion because he is not virgin anymore, of course!!! In a lot of cases, is the religion that require the virginity or is the guy that use the religion to require a virgin girl? Is religion problem or "honor men" problem?

My religion, which is Catholic, also requires virginity until marriage. The truth is that nobody (men and women!!!) respects this kind of rule about virginity because the society grows and I think the religion needs to change also. In my country nobody cares about virginity, I mean not only woman about man but also man about woman. Before marriage doesn’t matter if one or both is not a virgin. I think that in the society that we live in, everybody has the same rights, men and women. Men like enjoy with women and women like enjoy with men in the same way.

What do you think about? Is the virginity in your religion required for wedding or not? What is the common habit in your country? If a guy looks for girls to enjoy and he sleeps with a lot of girl, what do you think about the guy? If the girl does the same thing that the guy, what do you think about the girl?

What is SKA?

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By Francisco Llatser Marti (544)

Ska is a musical form blending Jamaican music like jazz, blues or rock. Reggae is often thought to be the precursor to ska, but in fact ska influenced the development of reggae. First wave ska music was in 1964, exposing America to ska music, which had previously been mostly heard only in the West Indies.

As rock music developed, ska versions of music by The Rolling Stones and The Beatles were often recorded. The addition of rock and roll clearly influenced second wave ska of the late 70s and 80s. Vocal tracts were often a challenge to record and perform, as they required very quick verbalizations, similar to tongue twisters.

Third wave ska occurred in the late 1990s and includes music from bands like The Fish Bones. The Third wave is often harder hitting, incorporating punk rhythms. Racial equality and tolerance are characteristic of the art form. Interest in second wave ska has reemerged, and it is quite common to hear ska tunes on commercials.

It is truly difficult to listen to ska and not feel like dancing. Since most of the lyrics are fun and relatively tame, introducing ska to children is often a great way to teach kids to dance. Most second wave ska bands have reproduced their music and have original tunes available for downloading on the Internet.

My opinion:
I like very much Ska music and actually it’s my favorite kind of music. This is because it’s different of other genres and it have really smart lyrics, they talk about society, peace, against racism… it have good rhythm too, which can be danced by every people, of all ages.

When I listen ska it makes me feel happy so I think it’s a good deal listening it. A group that I love and is one of the first ones is Skatalites, from Jamaica, I also like a lot of groups from around the world.

Driving while phoning

By Min Ji Kim (544)

In California, if people want to use their cell phone, poeple must use a hands-free device. This is a new cellphone law. Nowadays, in many counrties or states, using cell phone while driving make illegal.
However, several questions are still remain.
1. We still need one hand to punch in phone numbers or to insert earpiece
2. How does the law help if it remains legal to drive with a hand on the CD player, or wrapped around a breakfast burrito, or stuck out the window in a gesture toward the guy who just cut you off?
Obviously driving with two hands have more control, but that doesn't automatically mean that it's more dangerous to hold a phone than a cheeseburger. And also many other things can disturb our concentration.

My Opinion
Cell phones play an integral role in our society. We enjoy playing mobile games, listening music, and so on. Many people want to use their cell phone whenever they need. However, the convenience they offer must be judged against the hazards they pose. Supporters of restrictions on driving while using a cell phone say that the distractions associated with cell phone use while driving are far greater than other distractions. Conversations using a cell phone demand greater continuous concentration, which diverts the driver’s eyes from the road and his mind from driving. Drivers should be educated about the effects of all driver distractions. Also, existing laws that regulate driving should be more strictly enforced.

Bystander Effect

By JUNE (Lee Jaeoak) (545)

* Summary
The murder took place in New York on March 13, 1964 3 a.m.
Kitty Genovese, she was killed by a rapist and murderer on the street. The killing took 35 minutes, and there were 38 witnesses. However, no one helped her at that time. At first, the murderer stabbed her back so she cried for help. Then, some lights were turned on, so the murderer ran away, but it wasn’t the end. After 10 minutes, he came back to her, and he stabbed again. She shouted and shouted, and he ran away again, but there was no one. A few minutes later, he did again, so these were all three. The place that took place this murder was a residential district. Nevertheless, people just stood by and ignored the event by the window. They didn’t have moral consciousness. This psychological phenomenon is called bystander effect that someone is less likely to respond to an emergency situation when other people are present and able to help than when he or she is alone.

* My Opinion
I read the book Opening Skinner’s Box by Lauren Slater about one year ago. The contents of this book were so surprised and interested. Especially, I was interested in bystander effect phenomenon. I think the ignorance of witnesses is horrible than the killing of Kitty Genovese, and it made me to think. If I were one of witnesses, what did I do? I hope I could help. When we need someone’s help, we have to do like this. I found a studied recommendation is that one should pick a specific person in the crowd to appeal to for help rather than appealing to the larger group generally. Pointing directly to a specific bystander, saying their name if known, and giving them a specific task such as "You. [Or name.] Call the police." place all responsibility on a specific person instead of allowing it to diffuse. In short, the moment that we meet with an accident when we are alone or group anytime, we should help and act by recalling bystander effect.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Girl lip-synched at Olympic opening

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By TERESA (544)

During the Olympic opening ceremony last Friday, a nine years old kid sang the song in the center of the stage. This performance touched everybody's heart. But at this week, there was a big news showed that Lin was not the singer. She was being dubbed. The singer was another seven-year-old girl, Yang. Yang did not show up because of her appearance, she is not as pretty as Lin. Her face is a little fat and her teeth are not beautiful. Finally, They decided to change Yang to Lin. The general music designer of the opening ceremony, Chen, he said the reason was for the national interest. Also the TV show interviewed Yang and asked her some questions about her feeling. Her answers were mature. She was satisfied that her voice could be heard by so many people. Lin and Yang are good friends, so they do not worry about this result.

My Opinion:
This was not a good decision for two little children. They only think about what are the best thing to them, but most time they do not think about their feeling. Maybe children are too young to understand these, but when they grow up they may feel angry about that. This event not only hurt these two little kids, but also damage China's image in the national. There are over thirteen hundred million people in China . It is not so difficult to find a singer has both pretty appearance and beautiful voice. This happened in Olympic game, they should be honest to everything. This is the most important thing they need to face.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pregnant Man Shows His Baby

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By KELLY (545)

This is story about a pregnant man, who is Thomas Beatie-. He already is known around the world as pregnant man. About one year ago, he had a baby through artificial insemination, and about 2 month ago, he gave birth to his daughter, Susan. Actually, his wife can’t get babies, so he decided to get a baby, and he tried to do artificial insemination. How to get a baby through man’s body? Actually, he was a woman, but he wanted to be a man. Therefore, he decided to undergo an operation for transgender, and than he became a man, but at that time, he just kept his womb. Because of his body, he can get a baby, and Susan was born. He made cultural history as perhaps the first legally transgender male to give birth to his daughter.

My Opinion:
When I read this article, it was little bit funny because it was not normal. And I couldn’t believe that face, and also I was worried about his daughter because I thought that her life will not be normal. Many people will be looking for her, and ask her about her birth or tell her that, so if she will know about her birth, and her mind will be very uncomfortable, and she can get hurt. Therefore, many people help her and let her live normal life.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fast-food kids' meals fattening: U.S. group

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By Steven (YIPIN WANG) 545

According to this article, many fast-food restaurants whose Kids' Meals contain 90% more calories than normal meals for children, and add too much fat and salt as well.

CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) pointed out “it is difficult to find anything remotely healthful for a child to eat at several restaurant chains.” In addition, these combinations of children's meals at KFC, Taco Bell, Sonic, Jack in the Box and Chick-fil-A are too high in calories.

CSPI chose 13 popular restaurants in which 93% of 1,474 meals were over 430 calories. Furthermore, it is the calories suggested by Institute of Medicine suggestion that children of four to eight should consume in a day.

Subway had one best of Kids’ meals that was rated privately by CSPI, but some of the restaurants such as KFC, Burger King and McDonald's tried to challenge the CSPI report. Although they offered low-fat meals now, it didn’t meet the standard of CSPI; therefore, CSPI appealed to these restaurants to face these effects which resulted in obesity, disability, heart attack or diabetes to America’s children.

My Opinion:
They said “You are what you eat.” Our foods decide our figure. When I associate with American food that fast foods are strong impression for me. In addition, we know these foods have the same defects that lack of vegetables, and too much meat. Parents have responsibility who must control their children diet preferences because it causes obesity, heart attack and clog artery in childhood. In brief, this fast-food culture is a part of our life whether you are rich, and over calories is a troublesome issue for government to solve.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thai school offers transsexual toilet

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By Changhun Jeong (544)

Human can be categorized two groups: man and woman, and restroom also have two kinds. However, In Thai, there are three kinds of restroom: man, woman, and transsexual toilet. Ii is in school situated in Thailand's north-east, and the school’s name is Kampang. They are proud of their toilet. Actually, it’s not common, but the head teacher of Kampan think that many students consider themselves to be transgender, so the school offered transgender toilets, and it was welcomed.

Actually, Thailand is famous of its tolerance of transgender men, and Sex-change surgery is specialty of the Thai health industry because it is relatively inexpensive, so many patients come here from all over the world for the surgery. However, although Thai accepted and understood it, transsexuals have many troubles. It is more difficult for them to get a good job than common people, and they can’t change their legal status. Thus, this regulation is required something to solve this discrepancy for them.

My Opinion:
Transsexual. It is new problem in our society. In old days, there is accurate segment between man’s part and woman’s part. As the advance of women into society, boundary of sexual role is blurred. In addition, development of mass media, also, is big reason, and circumstance of home or surrounding is very important to set sexual identity. However, the most important is understanding, accepting, and acknowledgement. They have a right to live like another people, and they are people. We don’t distinguish them. In Korea, there is very famous transgender, Risu Ha, she? He? She got married about 2 years ago, and she was a famous singer and an actress. She was acknowledged by Korean people, so she is living happily. Thus, we are required a conversion of think for them.

Smoking Athletes?

(Read the article here ... )

By Sunyoung Park (544)

In fitness world, many athletes do exercise with supplements, steroids or spandex. On the contrary, it is the almost incredible combination of exercise and smoking. However, there are people who do both. They compete in marathons and triathlons and go hiking and train at the gym, and also have a pretty steady cigarette habit.

For example, “At the Pikes Peak Marathon, A nonsmoker won, and the three smokers who ran never finished the race. A smoker did beat to the top, but decided to smoke a cigarette instead of heading back.” It shows that nonsmokers are better than smokers at Marathon, triathlons and something like that. In other words, smoking doesn’t have any good things for athletes and it is just one of bad habits.

So, the smokers have different point of view about their habit. Some think it doesn’t matter and others think when they should try to quit. But for now, smoking and exercise continue to run in synchronization

There is no reason why people do exercise and smoking? It is so bad for our lungs and body. Can they say, they really do exercise for their health? Of course, smoking and exercise is better than smoking and sitting. However, it is obviously not the smartest thing, and these athletes could probably do better if they didn't smoke.

Moreover, smoking causes consistent damage to the body. If someone is exercising and smoking they have serious issues on a number of levels, including a strong possibility of mental illness. Actually, many people have lung cancer or emphysema because of smoking. So, I think the best way is that smokers stop smoking even if they don’t exercise. To stop smoking is the first thing!

Friday, August 1, 2008

How to Limit Cell Phone Health Risks

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By Calivn Chen (545)

The cellphone have been wildly pouplar use for ten more years.And the cancer also increased a lot just in this ten years, although there are many reports showing no relationship between cellphone and cancer ,but no one want to take this risk,if you are still worrying about the effect of mobiles, then you have better to follwow these several instruction:
1. Use the speakerphone.
2. Use a wired headset with a ferrite bead.
3. Use a Bluetooth earpiece.
4. Use a "hollow tube" earpiece
5. Get a phone with less radiation.

I can not imagine my living without cellphone. Everything will be very inconvenient.we have already accustomed to have cellphon now,but it just happened in recent years.I do not have idea about the studies which are about the connections between cellphone and cancer ,but I try to belive before the recarch shows cellphone will influence our health because I want live longer and healther,I do not play the roulette,it's better to believe it rather than to ignore it, might it becomes true.