By Min Ji Kim (544)
In California, if people want to use their cell phone, poeple must use a hands-free device. This is a new cellphone law. Nowadays, in many counrties or states, using cell phone while driving make illegal.
However, several questions are still remain.
1. We still need one hand to punch in phone numbers or to insert earpiece
2. How does the law help if it remains legal to drive with a hand on the CD player, or wrapped around a breakfast burrito, or stuck out the window in a gesture toward the guy who just cut you off?
Obviously driving with two hands have more control, but that doesn't automatically mean that it's more dangerous to hold a phone than a cheeseburger. And also many other things can disturb our concentration.
My Opinion
Cell phones play an integral role in our society. We enjoy playing mobile games, listening music, and so on. Many people want to use their cell phone whenever they need. However, the convenience they offer must be judged against the hazards they pose. Supporters of restrictions on driving while using a cell phone say that the distractions associated with cell phone use while driving are far greater than other distractions. Conversations using a cell phone demand greater continuous concentration, which diverts the driver’s eyes from the road and his mind from driving. Drivers should be educated about the effects of all driver distractions. Also, existing laws that regulate driving should be more strictly enforced.
This law is better than nothing, I think. I agree that we still need one hand to punch in phone numbers or insert earpece, but it's only takes a couple seconds. In the U.S., they talk long time like 1 hour or 2 hours even they are driving. I can say same oppinion about second qestion. (About the breakfast it takes more than 5 min. but still shorter than talking.) While you are talking, you don't pay attention a lot of things. That is bad when you drive, because you have to pay attention so many things.
I thnik this law is better than nothing.
this law is better for people because it can make you more salfly. however, cell phone is very important for us and some people like phining when they are driving because drive in amercia freeway has littile boring... also i like talking the phone when i driving, it can make me felling time spend fast when i driving in the us freeway
I think this law is good for us.
In my case,I was drove my car,at that time one car was crush my car. That guy was drove a own car,and talking to his friend by cellurar phone! It was dangerous to me,and him,so I agree this law.
If you need a cellphone while you are drive a car, you should park a car,and you use a your phone.
Although using cell phone is illegal during driving, many people still use their cell phones.
However, I think, using cell phone during driving have to be forbid because it bother drivers and they can't focus on driving, so it can occur serious accident.
Actually, using a cellphone during driving is illegal in Korea, so i was really surprised when i just came here because everyone has used their cell phone during driving. what the hell~!!!
I really agree with this decision.
Be carefull~!!
I also think using a cell phone while driving is dangerous, it could be a cause of a serious accident. As this article said, it's difficult to say using cell phone is more dangerous than other behaviors like eating something. In Japan, using cell phone while driving is illegal. I often used to drive a car in Japan, so I know how dangerous it is. I hope this kind of law can change people's behavior and views, but I'm not sure because this kind of law is in the world but the number of people who using their cell phone is still not decreasing.
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