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By Junko Iseri (544)
This article says there is a top-selling book which is written by Ghada Abdelaal in Egypt. The author is a young Egyptian woman, and the books started as a blog, before it was printed as a series of comic sketches by an Egyptian publisher. This book is written about the conservative tradition of Egypt and social incongruity in Egypt.
In the Egyptian traditions, women are not supposed to be actively seeking something, and to say they want something is seen as impolite. In the conservative Egyptian tradition, women are exist for being married to someone, and there is a tradition which is known as "living room marriage". It means that a stranger is brought to the family home and the daughter must decide whether to marry him on the basis of this brief encounter.
This book is very popular in Egypt now, because it reflects a widespread anxiety in Egyptian society. In addition, this book reveals the present condition of Egyptian young people and the marriage. Recently, many young people cannot afford to get married because of financial problem, so they stay engaged for years before they can save up enough money. However, they are already tired of each other when they actually get to live together. Therefore, there is the unusually high rate of divorce among the newlyweds in Egypt.
Another problem which is in the book is the gender disparity. Abdelaal wrote about the women's passive role in a traditional society in this book. In Egypt. young girls are asked who would you marry when they are three or four years old, and they are implanted in schools and society the idea which women's only purpose in life is to get married .
I think this article shows us the difference of the world. In many developed countries like the US and European countries, women's rights are recognized as natural rights now. However, on the other hand, there are still many countries which have their own conservative traditions, and they think women is exist to get married through their traditions. I think it's not fair for women. To get married is good thing, and many women want to get married someday in their lives. However, women must not be forced to get married, I think. People should have choices to get married or the time to get married, the man or woman who get married to, regardless of gender. I found another article about Ghada Abdelaal and her book. (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/babylonbeyond/2008/05/the-wanna-b--a.html ) She and her book bring the problem of conservative traditions and societies, and many people in the world know and think about this problem now. I wish she and her book become a prompt to think about this kind of problem in the world.
I'm also woman, so obviously agree at rights of female, but sometimes I feel it's too much. Women's rights are still not enough; however, this situation makes some extremely unusual arguments. Socially woman and man must be fair. However, biologically female and male couldn't be same. Therefore, the real fair rights is the discrimination that following the differences.
These days, right of women has been expanding on all of part in the world. I think that the best way to improve right of women is supplying of media. Actually, distinction of sex was very serious in Korea; however, As popularization of media, advance of women has been increasing. In my opinion, Egyot's problem is a shortage of imformation and mass media.
I was shocked about the Egyptian traditions that women are exist for being married to someone. I feel it's unfair and old-fashioned for women as Junko wrote. I hope everyone in the world can come to choose what they do, such as getting married and a job.
In developing countries, women don't have right still now. Sometimes it's couse of their religions. However, in deloped counties don't still fair. For example,women have to take care of the hose even after their job and even they work, it's not fair like position of the job. Therefore, the real fair right is very difficult to get.
Actually, Some countries, especially depeloping countries, still have strong conservative culture. I hate that!!!
As you know, women hasn't been dealt with fairly from long time ago, and we still recieve unfair treatment sometimes. For example, job, or marriage etc,,,
Why women be forced to get marry with the guy they don't want to?
We were not born to marrry, but born to be enjoy our life.
I really really hope that this book affect the culture and people in Egypt, and women can get the right to say what they want to.
It is trandition. The society developping, it is changing. It will be fine on some day.
I'm sure that not only Egyptian's problem. also almost Asian country have same problem. Conservative culture was made during long time, so I think we can't solve just in a day. we are trying to find the solutions, so don't be hurry.
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