Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Polygamy is the key to a long life

(Read complete article here ... )
By June( Lee, Jae-oak) (545)

If you have more wives and children, you could live longer. According to the Newscientist article, Virpi Lummaa, an ecologist at the University of Sheffield, UK, says the men who are living in some countries that have a custom of polygamy tend to live more than men who are living in some countries that have no custom of polygamy. Polygamy means the custom of having more than one wife at the same time.

The original purpose of this study was why human beings live longer than chimpanzees and monkeys. All creatures live for spreading their offspring. That is, if human beings can’t breed, they’ll die. However, human beings can live more than 30 years although women stop having their period. This can be explained grandmother hypothesis that human beings need the role of grandmother who helps keep prosperity in their group. On an average, women get two of offspring every ten years. Then, this explanation can be applied to men? For their offspring, does grandfather have to live longer? In a different way, men can spread their offspring after 60 years old and remarried man has more children than the man who is married once. That’s why remarried man isn’t concerned about his children of former wife. In the end, when children grow up, they tend to not have children, so remarried man has many children, but not offspring. Eventually, the professor insists that men’s life span evolved because of women’s life span. The more they have wives and children, the more they can live longer. Owing to vigorous virility, men can live longer.

*My Opinion:
Do you remember the word polygamous when we learned stems and prefixes? When I saw this word, I determined to present this article, and it’s quite interesting topic. According to this article, polygamy helps live more long. Will you choose polygamy for your long life span? I think it is related to human instinct. Who wants to remarry on purpose? I think we can be happier when we follow by provision of nature. Whether we want or not, creatures have evolved for a long time, and we can’t block. Anyway, isn’t it miraculous?


RYOUKO said...

I've never thought I'll get marry with several men because of law and also I don't want my husband to think get marry with me and other women. I know some countrues allow to get marry with many women, so I thought I'd like to know how long does the peoson whi has many wifes live.

Jen Shao said...

funny article, the word polygamy just remind me of 3rd world country and major of man in that kinds of country do die younger than usual like in 40s to 50s and their polygamous men tend to live longer because 1) they got money, 2) they're better off in social ladder than those other men in their society, this goes back to reason why they can afford more wives. So, if you average it up, their men has less life than other country men who has 1v1 custom. Just my $0.02

This article looks like its written by muslims who encourage this kind of animal behavior and likes to bring those behaviors nad mind set into the develop nations.