(Read complete article here ... )
By Changhun Jeong (544)
Human can be categorized two groups: man and woman, and restroom also have two kinds. However, In Thai, there are three kinds of restroom: man, woman, and transsexual toilet. Ii is in school situated in Thailand's north-east, and the school’s name is Kampang. They are proud of their toilet. Actually, it’s not common, but the head teacher of Kampan think that many students consider themselves to be transgender, so the school offered transgender toilets, and it was welcomed.
Actually, Thailand is famous of its tolerance of transgender men, and Sex-change surgery is specialty of the Thai health industry because it is relatively inexpensive, so many patients come here from all over the world for the surgery. However, although Thai accepted and understood it, transsexuals have many troubles. It is more difficult for them to get a good job than common people, and they can’t change their legal status. Thus, this regulation is required something to solve this discrepancy for them.
My Opinion:
Transsexual. It is new problem in our society. In old days, there is accurate segment between man’s part and woman’s part. As the advance of women into society, boundary of sexual role is blurred. In addition, development of mass media, also, is big reason, and circumstance of home or surrounding is very important to set sexual identity. However, the most important is understanding, accepting, and acknowledgement. They have a right to live like another people, and they are people. We don’t distinguish them. In Korea, there is very famous transgender, Risu Ha, she? He? She got married about 2 years ago, and she was a famous singer and an actress. She was acknowledged by Korean people, so she is living happily. Thus, we are required a conversion of think for them.
Your article is very interesting for me. Thailand is famous of sex-change, but I didn't know that there are that kind of toilet in school and it is WELCOMED. I think it will be difficult to make people understnad in other countries. In Japan, it is not still so welcomed like in Thailand. I wish many poeple can say that it is their one of the personality.
I also think acknowledgement and understanding are very important for this problem. In fact, there are many people who consider themselves to be transgender in the world now. I have no idea how many students conside themselves to be transgender, because I've thought adults are more sensitive to this problem than childern. However, this article said "many students consider themselves to be transgender, so the school offered transgender toilets, and it was welcomed.". I think it shows us it's time to think about this problem for not only adults but children also.
I was really happy when I read this article, because I told my friends.. "It's OK but, what are we going to do with the restrooms? Maybe we have some trouble.." But they told me it's not a big deal. I don't mind about transsexual people or gay people (that is not necessary to be both)but maybe in a situation like in Japan public bathrooms.. they can do the same as in the article.
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