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By Calivn Chen (545)
The cellphone have been wildly pouplar use for ten more years.And the cancer also increased a lot just in this ten years, although there are many reports showing no relationship between cellphone and cancer ,but no one want to take this risk,if you are still worrying about the effect of mobiles, then you have better to follwow these several instruction:
1. Use the speakerphone.
2. Use a wired headset with a ferrite bead.
3. Use a Bluetooth earpiece.
4. Use a "hollow tube" earpiece
5. Get a phone with less radiation.
I can not imagine my living without cellphone. Everything will be very inconvenient.we have already accustomed to have cellphon now,but it just happened in recent years.I do not have idea about the studies which are about the connections between cellphone and cancer ,but I try to belive before the recarch shows cellphone will influence our health because I want live longer and healther,I do not play the roulette,it's better to believe it rather than to ignore it, might it becomes true.
I've seen the TV programm about the cell phone will cause cancel two months ago.There have interview for patient who have suffer brain cancer by cellphone. Before,the people talking cell phone will cause cancer , I think of whom people are over sensitive. Now, I believe that it may be true and I'll try to follow your suggestion to keep away the phone.
In my case, I can live without cell phone, but it will be inconvenient. I heard someone who doesn't have cell phone, he takes disadvantage in his life. It's irony. Even though we already know about the side effect of using cell phone, we still use a cell phone. I think somebody has to develop a cell phone that doesn't radiate a harmful materials.
I have no idea whether cellphone influence our health or not. Now, cellphone is very useful, But I think using cellphone many times is bad for our health and waste of time.
Recently, cellphone is indespensable for our life although I didn't know about the become cancer by having cellphone. If we don't want to become cancer, we have to do the several researchers instruction, but it's very hard for me such as using speaker phone,so I wish some resercher invent harmless cellphone.
About the instruction to reduce cancer risk, are you sure about the use of "Bluetooth earpiece"? I think Bluetooth is danger too, same to cellphone. Therefore, if we follow this type of directions the situation dosn't change, it's same!!! I think the cellphone radiations there are bad for our health, but in present time there are a lot of danger things for our health, and I think the cellphone isn't the most important.
It's obvious among the people nowadays that the cell phones are not deadly! but, will be one day in future. I have recently heard of someone who getting cancer because of using cell phon in a daily life. So I want to ask all of you a question : what would be the safest way to carry or use the cell phone as it is not safe to carry it in your pocket?
I think that using cell phone might cause cancer although there is no conclusive evidenc that links cell phone to cancer.In the safe way, we should take precautions in reducing the amount of electromanetic radio wave throug our bodies.
I also found another article about this topic.
In my opinion now a days people cannot live wothout celphone; however
, everyone doesn't stop to use it even though many researcher say or prove using cell phon connect with cancer or ony other bad situation for their health. I think we have to think what is our problem.
I believe the cell phone do emit radiation,and it endanger our health. I heard some occurrences from NEWS which showed people living near the base station of cell phone to get cancer easier. Although this is not been prove, but there are more and more kind of this affairs to happen around our life. I think I will follow this article recommendations.
I cannot image that I live without cell phote. It must be inconvenient and hard to contact with my friends or parents. So it's very important for me. However, evrybody think health is more important than convenience. I think we have to ponder what ways are safe to ues cell phone.
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