Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Men and Women

(Read complete article here ... )

By Haruka Kimura (545)

The article talks about what differences between men and women like their thoughts, behaviors and wants. For example, women want their lover to spend more time with them. In contrast, men have fewer desires than women such as they want their lover to support them while they have nothing at all. In addition, the writer provides some useful tips on how to get along with opposite sex in daily life. In conclusion, the writer thinks that the few differences between men and women are good because people can enjoy different lives.

My Opinion;
I think people are different such as appearance, mind, personality and other different. In fact, we are same because we are human beings. However, we are different; we cannot find a person who is same as you. I think it is very interesting and important things. I think all people want someone to love them and take care of them. In addition, people seek for love until they are dying.


Anonymous said...

I think differences between men and women cannot help blocking, so we have to recognize. Because of differences, we may feel attraction, and we may fall in love with someone, I think. Sometimes, we may get hurt owing to these differences. However, isn't it worth?

Haruka Kabeya said...

Man and women is completely different.Sometime, man and women quarrel because of difference,but we should know the difference because if we understand theirs characteristic, we can understand easily.

Sharon said...

Most of men are not willing stay at home after get married.Women always looking for men back to home earlier. One day, I heard a men said in radio, he was talking about men can forget women very easy no matter how he love her. He just kept her in mind last for 2 years after broke off, but women will keep forever. I believe men & women have differences in many ways.

RYOUKO said...

It's relly interesring article!! I think there ar too mant differences between men and women and it's to fdifficult to understand eachother because we have each instinctive thinking, so in my opinion if they talk a lot together, they cannnot understand eachother. In fact this problem has been thought for a long time.

Unknown said...

I think everybody has own work, hobby and activity. Everybody has own life and stay together with partner is a moment to enjoy after all activity and when both people are free.

taejin said...

absolutely! I agree this article. Everyone is different, so sometimes it is difficult to understand other people.
But we have to do our bestㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Abo Suhaib said...

In my opinio, I have no difference between women and men excpt who is doing good deeds towards the others. let me cite as a proof, Both men and women alike believe householdchores should be shared equally, but both men and women also agree that women seem to do more cleaning and cooking and men do more yard work and small household repairs.

Chris said...

This aritcle is absolutely true because men and women are different
such as life styles , behaviors and ideas. so I think that if they want stay together for longest time,they have to learn and accept about each other.